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Q: What type of wave passes through the spring in the frog toy Explain your answer.?
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How energy from the sun is tranferred through a firefly to a frog?

Plant uses sunlight for photosynthesis. Firefly eats plant. Frog eats firefly.

How action and reaction forces are work when a frog jumps from a log?

The frog applies a force on the log is the action. The log also applies an equal force to the frog.

How many valance electrons can atoms of nonmetals have?

The silicon based product of the earths crust in the oxygen, nitrogen, and halogen family. include many oxygen including selenium and tellurium frog through its skin.

Is a leaping frog potential or kinetic energy?

A leaping frog is an example of kinetic energy. Before the jump, the frog contains potential energy. When it jumps, the potential energy converts to energy of motion, otherwise known as kinetic energy.

when opposite means completely different why do objects not have opposites?

Opposite doesn't mean completely different, it means the antithesis of. Dark is the opposite of light. It isn't merely different from light, it is defined as the absence of light. The word "dark" literally means, "not light." The moon is completely different from a frog, but they're not really opposites of each other. The moon is not a frog, granted, but it isn't defined by being not a frog. Its definition has no relationship to a frog, so it isn't the opposite of a frog. Likewise, its definition has no relationship to light or dark, which is why it isn't the opposite of those things, despite being completely different from them too.

Related questions

What type of wave passes through the spring in the frog toy?

Longitudinal wave

In a frog what tube allows egg to come out of the cloaca?

The egg in a female frog is passed through the oviduct. After that, it passes into the uteri, and finally, into the cloaca.

What is a spring peeper?

a spring peeper is a type of frog

How many miles does a frog hop?

A frog hops until it passes out, unless it is on mars.

Through which structures does a urine pass in a frog's body?

The kidneys are the organs that excrete urine and connected to each kidney is a ureter, a tube that urine passes through into the urinary bladder. The urinary bladder is a sac that stores urine until it passes out of the body through the cloaca.

What frogs live in Ricmond Virginia?

Bullfrog, green frog, pickerel frog, spring peeper, chorus frog, leopard frog, tree frog.

How do you make all of the monsters on mix a monster?

1.rock, spring, cheese, snail = Red Disco Ball Monster2.sock, spring, cheese, snail= Robo Dino with Lazer Eyes3.sock, rock, cheese, snail= Green Booger-Eating Monster4.sock, rock, spring, snail= Green Monster with Horns In Back5.sock, rock, spring, cheese= Boxing Squirrel6.frog, spring, cheese, snail= Mummy7.frog, rock, cheese, snail= Blue Octopus Monster in Hat And Glasses8.frog, rock, spring, snail= Yellow Squid (Gets Tied Up)9.frog, rock, spring, cheese= Sweet Pink Bat Monster10.frog, sock, cheese, snail= Blue barfing Frog Monster11.frog, sock, spring, snail= Red Juggling Monster12.frog, sock, spring, cheese= Purple Mimicking13.frog, sock, rock, snail= Many Eyed Purple Monster14.frog, sock, rock, cheese= Cake Monster15.frog, sock, rock, spring= Spooky Ghost

What is the 15 combinations for mix a monster?

1.rock, spring, cheese, snail = Red Disco Ball Monster2.sock, spring, cheese, snail= Robo Dino with Lazer Eyes3.sock, rock, cheese, snail= Green Booger-Eating Monster4.sock, rock, spring, snail= Green Monster with Horns In Back5.sock, rock, spring, cheese= Boxing Squirrel6.frog, spring, cheese, snail= Mummy7.frog, rock, cheese, snail= Blue Octopus Monster in Hat And Glasses8.frog, rock, spring, snail= Yellow Squid (Gets Tied Up)9.frog, rock, spring, cheese= Sweet Pink Bat Monster10.frog, sock, cheese, snail= Blue barfing Frog Monster11.frog, sock, spring, snail= Red Juggling Monster12.frog, sock, spring, cheese= Purple Mimicking13.frog, sock, rock, snail= Many Eyed Purple Monster14.frog, sock, rock, cheese= Cake Monster15.frog, sock, rock, spring= Spooky Ghost

How do you get all the monsters in mix a monster?

1.rock, spring, cheese, snail = Red Disco Ball Monster2.sock, spring, cheese, snail= Robo Dino with Lazer Eyes3.sock, rock, cheese, snail= Green Booger-Eating Monster4.sock, rock, spring, snail= Green Monster with Horns In Back5.sock, rock, spring, cheese= Boxing Squirrel6.frog, spring, cheese, snail= Mummy7.frog, rock, cheese, snail= Blue Octopus Monster in Hat And Glasses8.frog, rock, spring, snail= Yellow Squid (Gets Tied Up)9.frog, rock, spring, cheese= Sweet Pink Bat Monster10.frog, sock, cheese, snail= Blue barfing Frog Monster11.frog, sock, spring, snail= Red Juggling Monster12.frog, sock, spring, cheese= Purple Mimicking13.frog, sock, rock, snail= Many Eyed Purple Monster14.frog, sock, rock, cheese= Cake Monster15.frog, sock, rock, spring= Spooky Ghost

What are the combinatons for mix a monster game on girlsgogames?

1.rock, spring, cheese, snail = Red Disco Ball Monster2.sock, spring, cheese, snail= Robo Dino with Lazer Eyes3.sock, rock, cheese, snail= Green Booger-Eating Monster4.sock, rock, spring, snail= Green Monster with Horns In Back5.sock, rock, spring, cheese= Boxing Squirrel6.frog, spring, cheese, snail= Mummy7.frog, rock, cheese, snail= Blue Octopus Monster in Hat And Glasses8.frog, rock, spring, snail= Yellow Squid (Gets Tied Up)9.frog, rock, spring, cheese= Sweet Pink Bat Monster10.frog, sock, cheese, snail= Blue barfing Frog Monster11.frog, sock, spring, snail= Red Juggling Monster12.frog, sock, spring, cheese= Purple Mimicking13.frog, sock, rock, snail= Many Eyed Purple Monster14.frog, sock, rock, cheese= Cake Monster15.frog, sock, rock, spring= Spooky Ghost

How do you make all the monsters on mix a monster?

1.rock, spring, cheese, snail = Red Disco Ball Monster2.sock, spring, cheese, snail= Robo Dino with Lazer Eyes3.sock, rock, cheese, snail= Green Booger-Eating Monster4.sock, rock, spring, snail= Green Monster with Horns In Back5.sock, rock, spring, cheese= Boxing Squirrel6.frog, spring, cheese, snail= Mummy7.frog, rock, cheese, snail= Blue Octopus Monster in Hat And Glasses8.frog, rock, spring, snail= Yellow Squid (Gets Tied Up)9.frog, rock, spring, cheese= Sweet Pink Bat Monster10.frog, sock, cheese, snail= Blue barfing Frog Monster11.frog, sock, spring, snail= Red Juggling Monster12.frog, sock, spring, cheese= Purple Mimicking13.frog, sock, rock, snail= Many Eyed Purple Monster14.frog, sock, rock, cheese= Cake Monster15.frog, sock, rock, spring= Spooky Ghost

What are the answers for mix a monster?

Mix a monster combosspring cheese sock snail = Dinosaursock rock frog spring = Tear Dropsock rock frog cheese = Birthday Boysock rock snail frog = 17 Eyedsock rock snail spring= Music Monstersock rock snail cheese = Booger Boysock rock spring cheese = BFF Monsterspring rock frog cheese = Beaver Monstersock frog snail spring = Jugglersock frog snail cheese = Frogsnail rock spring cheese= Fluffy Blobfrog rock spring snail = OctopusI'm missing 3 of them so there is only 12