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Messy, irregular, tangled webs.

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Q: What type of web is woven by the daddy long leg?
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Grand daddy long leg or daddy long leg?

Daddy Long Leg

What happens if you touch daddy long leg?

If you touch a daddy long leg the worst that can happen is it will crawl on you. Many say the daddy long leg is venomos but it is the farthest thing from venomus

Can a daddy long legs spider venom kill you?

No, you can't die from either the daddy long leg spider or the daddy long leg itself

Is a daddy long leg a betel?

no. a daddy long legs is a spider

How does a daddy long leg breathes?

Well i think it has to feel the air and inhale exhale

Is a Daddy long leg poisinus?


Can a daddy long legs have a enemies?

of course the daddy long leg has enemies its enemy is other daddy long legs

Is the daddy long leg hurt people?


How long does a daddy long leg live?

about a week or longer

What is the size of the daddy long leg spider?

Pholcids (daddy long leg spiders) are fragile spiders, the body being 2-10 mm in length with legs which may be up to 50 mm long.

Are daddy long legs members of the spider family?

Yes they are called daddy long leg spiders.

What do daddy long leg spiders hate?
