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Q: What type soil for hibiscus is best?
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Difference between an arrowhead and hibiscus?

An arrowhead is a type of plant in the genus Sagittaria, known for its arrow-shaped leaves. Hibiscus, on the other hand, is a flowering plant with large colorful blooms. While arrowhead plants are typically grown for their foliage, hibiscus plants are prized for their flowers.

What type of soil grows fruit best?

I think the best soil for all crops is loamy soil

What type of soil best for growing wheat?

The best soil that wheat will grow in is loamy well-drained soil. This type of soil has equal parts clay soil particles, sand and silt.

Do hibiscus plants like acid soil?

Yes, hibiscus plants prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Acidic soil helps hibiscus plants absorb nutrients more effectively and promotes healthy growth and blooming. Adding organic matter like compost can help maintain the soil pH for hibiscus plants.

What is the best type of soil to plant plants in?

Every plant has different soil needs; there isn't one type of soil that is the best for all plants.

What do you call the best type of garden soil soil?


Which is the best type of soil for planting crops?

Loam soil

What type soil is best for growing datura plants?

The best type of soil for growing these plants is sand and top soil mixed with a little vitamin d.

Whats the best type soil to grow oranges in?

fertizlalied soil or good soil and dry soil

What type of soil is best to grow masoor dal?

sandy soil

What type of soil is best for cucumbers?

humus amd poting soil

Which type f soil holds water best?

Clayey soil