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Yes they love it. Use a fertilizer for blueberries and raspberries.

They will start to bloom like crazy.

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Q: Do hibiscus plants like acid soil?
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Are chrysanthemums acid-loving plants?

Chrysanthemums like slightly acid soil. 6.5 on the PH scale.

What type of soil do plants not grow well in?

Very few plants will grow in heavy clay soil and not many will grow in sand. Plants need organic material in the soil to enable the roots to penetrate and to nourish the plants, so the more humus soil contains, the better most plants will grow. Plants also do not thrive in very acid or highly alkaline soil. Most plants prefer neutral or slightly acid pH. Sne45: I think clay-like soil, nor do I think plants in sand can grow.

Do bean plants grow better in an acid soil or an alkaline soil?

bean plants are acidifying foods, so they grow better in acid soils.

How does acid get into soil?

when it rains the plants have sex with themelves and the acid goes in

Is pine needles acid?

does pines needles have acid in them to be add to the soil for plants that need acid .

What damages to plants is done by acid rain?

soil will be dry then plants will die

When farmers add slaked lime or quick lime to soil?

quicklime, which is an alkali, is placed on the soil to neutralise acid soil and so raise its pH.The soil becomes too acid due to the bacteria which help plants and animals decompose.Why do we need to neutralise soil?Some plants grow better in less acid soilsBacteria, which cause plants to decompose and so fertilize the soil, grow better in less acid soils.

What do you think will happen to the soil crops plants animals and exposed water supply when there is acid rain?

happen to the soil,crops,plants,animals and exposed water acid rain

How does rain acid affect plants?

it puts mercury in the soil, thus breaking and killing the soil

Difference between an arrowhead and hibiscus?

Hibiscus grow in soil but an arrowhead grow in water

Do dogwood trees and bushes like acid or alkaline soil?

Why would a plant like acid? Obviously go with the soil.

Secondary succession?

Plants grow on soil like where it was disturbed but there was still soil left.