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Mitochondria have 70s ribosomes.Eukariyotes have 80s ribosomes.

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Q: What types are the mitochondria and ribosomes?
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Ribosomes and mitochondria are types of?


Is the mitochondria studded with ribosomes?

Mitochondria contains ribosomes in them.Those are produced by mitochondria.

Which is bigger a ribosome or a mitochondria?

Mitochondria are bigger than ribosomes. Ribosomes can be found in mitochondria

Which cell has ribosomes and mitochondria?

Ribosomes are in every cell. Mitochondria are in eukariyotes only


Proteins are made on ribosomes. They provide surface for it

Are there 705 ribosomes in mitochondria?

That is not 705 ribosomes.They have 70s ribosomes.

Why do mitochondria have their own ribosomes?

They were evolved from bacteria.So they have bacterial ribosomes.

Do mitochondria contain functional ribosomes?

Yes they have ribosomes.Mitochondria have 70s ribosomes.

Do plants and animal cells both have Ribosomes and mitochondria?

Mitochondria and ribosomes are found in all eukaryotic cells at some point in their lifecycle.

Does an animal mitochondrion contain functional ribosomes?

Yes, chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain ribosomes.Chloroplasts also contain DNA, and synthesize messenger RNA by transcription. Polypeptides are formed at the ribosomes.These ribosomes are more or less like those of modern prokaryotic cells; this is one of the facts that supports the theory that chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved from ancestral free-living prokaryotic organisms.

Which organelles are more numerous in active cells?

If a cell is very active, it would need to have a large number of Mitochondria.

Where is the Ribosomes locaded?

In eukariyotes,8os ribosomes are in cytoplasm and rough ER.70s ribosomes are in chloroplast and mitochondria.