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Q: What types ions are involved in the transmission of nerve impulse?
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Which of the following types of nerve fiber possesses the fastest speed of impulse propagation?

Type A

Which of the following types of neurons carries impulses away from the CNS?

They are called as motor neurons. They are same like sensory neurons. Only difference the direction of the nerve impulse. The nerve impulse travel from dendrites to body to axon to axon terminals.

How is an impulse transmitted between neurons?

The point at which two neurones meet is called the synapse. At this point there are 2 situations:1: there is no gap, the neurones are physically connected by gap-junctions. This is a rarer situation but does occur. In this case the nerve impulse continues down the second neurone (known as the post-synaptic nerve)2: there is a small gap (a few micrometers) between the cells. In this case the first nerve, carrying the impulse, (pre-synaptic) causes a release of a chemical known as a neurotransmitter. There are various types of neurotransmitters and each are involved in different situations. When the neurotransmitter reaches the 2nd nerve it binds to the membrane (in most situations) which either causes the cell to depolarize and continue the impulse, or causes hypo-polarization which prevents any other nerve stimulating it.Short and Simple Answer:Nerve impulse is transmitted by:- nerve impulse triggers transmitter substance- which diffuses across synapse- the transmitter substance binds with receptor molecule in membrane of next molecule

The events of a nerve impulse?

The electrical impulse in a nerve cell begins when ions move through the cells surface through ion channels.The nerve impulse.A nerve impulse is a wave of excitation that quickly travels within the surface of a neurone (nerve cell). This nerve impulse usually travels on certain parts of the nerve cell: on a dendrite or an axon. Within a neurone the first event depends on the type of 'nerve impulse'; there are two important types:1- nerve impulses generated at dendrites2- self propagating nerve impulses (action potentials) that travel along the axonNerve impulses generated at dendrites.Dendrites feed into the 'cell body' (soma) of a neurone. Nerve impulses that are generated in these dendrites travel toward the cell body.A sequence of events occur at the surface of a dendrite when the nerve impulse is sparked. The first event is transduction; this involves the transformation of one form of energy outside the dendrite into electrical energy within the dendrite.Nerve impulses that travel along axons.Nerve cells often have many dendrites but often only have a single axon. The essential difference between the two parts of the nerve cell is:- in dendrites electrical impulses travel TOWARDS the cell body of the neurone- in the axon the electrical impulses travel AWAY from the cell body of the neuroneThe nerve impulse that travels along an axon begins at the 'base of the axon', where the cell body and axon merge. This site is called the 'axon hillock' and is found to be the site where the first event in the formation of a nerve impulse actually occurs. Again, the first event is transduction at the axon hillock.Conclusion; the first event.For both of the cases above, and for virtually any other case, the nerve impulse begins with a process of transduction. The electrical nerve impulse begins once the first 'ions' leave or enter the nerve cell. Usually sodium ions enter, sometimes calcium ions are the firs to enter, sometimes potassium ions are the first to leave.

What cell maintains homeostasis?

Homeostasis requires many different types of cells but the main cell that ensures that homeostasis is maintained is the nerve cell which forms your sensory neuron this helps by sending a nerve impulse to the hypothalamus of your brain or the islets of langerhan in the pancreas this nerve impulse helps send a message to the stated parts of your body telling them to take corrective measures to stabilize your body's internal environment

What are the type of nerve cells?

There are three different types of neurone: sensory, relay and motor - which are involved in a reflex arc.

What crosses a synapse?

Answer is Neurotrasmitters. There are several hundred types of neurotransmitters in brain. Some of them are Dopamine,Serotonin,acetylcholine,Adrenaline, Nor-adrenaline, Histamine,pep-tide neurotransmitters, certain amine acids. So impulse of depolarization flows across the nerve fiber and there is closed space between junction of two nerves, where chemical substances flows across, carrying the impulses to next nerve. After impulse is given to the next nerve fiber by say acetylcholine, then it will be destroyed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Nor-adrenaline is taken up back by the nerve fiber.

What types of cells are involved in receiving and processing information?

Neuron is that cells that receiving and process information. This is also known as the nerve cell.

What does it mean if a digital filter is IIR?

We can divide filters two types based on the length of the impulse resopnse 1. FIR where the impulse responce is finite 2. IIR where the impulse response is infinite

How does nerve cells communicate?

The nervous system is composed of more than 100 billion neurons connected to each other, through from few hundred to 2,00,000 nerve terminals of each nerve fibers. On one hand you have dendrites and other hand you have axon terminals connected to each other and target organs.Connections between nerve cells are called synapses. A wave of depolarization passes through nerve fibers from dendrite to axon and in synapses you have various type of neurotransmitters. And at muscle end you have motor end plate passing the impulse through neurotransmitters. And you have various types of sensory apparatuses, carrying the appropriate impulse to central nervous system

What are 3 types of nerve?

The three types of nerves are: afferent, efferent, and interneurons

What occurs when a person has left bundle branch block?

There are several types of left bundle branch block, each producing its own characteristic mechanism of failure. In each case, the nerve impulse is blocked or delayed. Patients with LBBB may have left ventricular disease or cardiomyopathy.