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Every restriction enzyme has a very specific sequence that it will recognise. Quite often, but not always, these sequences are palindromic (meaning they repeat backwards, like words that read the same backwards and forwards). The exact nature of the DNA sequence depends on the restriction enzyme (there are many different ones).

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A palendromic site where the sequence is the same forwards and backwards, such as CCTAATCC,

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Q: What types of DNA sequences do restriction enzymes recognize?
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Can Restriction Enzymes be used on all DNA?

Restriction enzymes cut DNA at sites called restriction sites on the DNA. These restriction sites are specific sequences of 6 - 8 nucleotide bases. Restriction enzymes can be used on all types of DNA. If the DNA is cut by a certain restriction enzyme, then we know that the DNA contained the restriction site. This sort of an experiment is called restriction site analysis

Why the first restriction endonuclease is known as Hind2 and not Hind1?

Restriction enzymes are named based on the organism in which they were discovered. For example, the enzyme Hind III was isolated from Haemophilus influenzae, strain Rd. The first three letters of the name are italicized because they abbreviate the genus and species names of the organism. The fourth letter typically comes from the bacterial strain designation. The Roman numerals are used to identify specific enzymes from bacteria that contain multiple restriction enzymes. Typically, the Roman numeral indicates the order in which restriction enzymes were discovered in a particular strain.There are three classes of restriction enzymes, labeled types I, II, and III. Type I restriction systems consist of a single enzyme that performs both modification (methylation) and restriction activities. These enzymes recognize specific DNA sequences, but cleave the DNA strand randomly, at least 1,000 base pairs(bp) away from the recognition site. Type III restriction systems have separateenzymes for restriction and methylation, but these enzymes share a common subunit. These enzymes recognize specific DNA sequences, but cleave DNA at random sequences approximately twenty-five bp from the recognition sequence. Neither type I nor type III restriction systems have found much application in recombinant DNA techniques.Type II restriction enzymes, in contrast, are heavily used in recombinant DNA techniques. Type II enzymes consist of single, separate proteins for restriction and modification. One enzyme recognizes and cuts DNA, the other enzyme recognizes and methylates the DNA. Type II restriction enzymes cleave the DNA sequence at the same site at which they recognize it. The only exception are type IIs (shifted) restriction enzymes, which cleaveDNA on one side of the recognition sequence, within twenty nucleotides of the recognition site. Type II restriction enzymesdiscovered to date collectively recognize over 200 different DNA sequences.

How do different restriction enzymes produce different DNA fragments from the DNA molecule?

DNA from two different people may have different sequences in the non-coding regions of their DNA. These differences may result in one person having a particular restriction site and the other person not having it. Different numbers and types of restriction sites will cause different fragments to be produced.

Function of restriction enzymes?

They cut strands of DNA at specific sites.

What cuts DNA into fragments?

cutting of DNA into fragments simply means application of suitable restriction enzyme to a days two types of restriction enzymes are available,1)exonucleases,which cut at end portion of DNA and 2)endonucleases ,which cut at specific inner site.

How does restriction endonucleases work?

Restriction enzymes recognize a specific sequence of nucleotides and produce a double-stranded cut in the DNA. While recognition sequences vary between 4 and 8 nucleotides, many of them are palindromic, which correspond to nitrogenous base sequences that read the same backwards and forwards. In theory, there are two types of palindromic sequences that can be possible in DNA. The mirror-likepalindrome is similar to those found in ordinary text, in which a sequence reads the same forward and backwards on a single strand of DNA strand, as in GTAATG. The inverted repeat palindrome is also a sequence that reads the same forward and backwards, but the forward and backward sequences are found in complementary DNA strands (i.e., of double-stranded DNA), as in GTATAC (GTATAC being complementary to CATATG). Inverted repeat palindromes are more common and have greater biological importance than mirror-like palindromes.

What functions do allosteric enzymes serve in reaction sequences?

Enzyme reaction rates can be decreased by various types of enzyme inhibitors. ... Enzymes serve a wide variety of functions inside living organisms

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You have not offered any sequences.

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structural proteins and enzymes.

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What two types of enzymes exist in fat cells?

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