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The word "smoke" meant "white phosperous" when requested over the radio. When detonated it created a pure white cloud, and was often used to mark positions (enemy positions). It was referred to as a "marking round" by the artillerymen. Multi-colored smoke grenades and aerial rockets were used to mark and/or identity friendly and enemy positions. Victor smoke (violet); Yankee smoke (yellow); Romeo smoke (red); Smoke (Willie Pete-White Phosperous).

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Disconting napalm; 250 lb, 500 lb, 750 lb, and 1,000 lb general purpose HE.

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Q: What types of bombs were used during the Vietnam war?
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How many bombs were used in Vietnam?

Over 7.8 million tons of ordnance were dropped during the Vietnam War. 3 times more than was dropped in all of WWII.

What was used to kill people in the Vietnam war?

Napalm bombs were used in the Vietnam War and killed a lot of people.

What is the deffinion of ionic bonbs?

Iron bombs are used today to separate them from atomic/flame/and smart bombs. During WW1 & WW2 there was only a need to use the terms fire bombs or general purpose bombs (High Explosive). During the Korean War, we had to separate the atomic bomb from fire bombs and general purpose bombs. During the Vietnam War, the same separations had to be termed. By the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, SMART Weapons had to be added to the ATOMIC, FIRE, GENERAL PURPOSE the accepted term for General Purpose (High Explosive) bombs came to be known as IRON BOMBS; aka Dumb Bombs.

Did we drop the hydrogen bomb on Vietnam?

No hydrogen bombs were dropped on Vietnam. No nuclear weapons of any kind were used in Vietnam.

Was a nuke used on Vietnam?

the Americans did drop a shed load of bombs (napam ect.) but the only nukular bombs droped are the 2 droped in japan

What weapon was not used in Vietnam during the war?

Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war

What are the types of weapons used in war?

Guns, bombs, planes.

Why were napalm bombs used in the Vietnam?

Burns the enemy out of hard to dislodge positions (such as bunkers). Flame throwers (naplam type weapons) were also used against the Germans & Japanese during WWII. And, Germans/Japanese/and the North Vietnamese Army also deployed flame throwing weapons against the allies during WWII and Vietnam.

What nuclear bombs were used in the Cold War?

No bombs were actually used during the Cold War. That was why it was not a hot war.

What was the name given to Americans who supported strong US military efforts in Vietnam?

This 21st century generation is probably "evolving" the 1960's term of "Hawk" into a "supporting the troops" meaning. Hawks during the Vietnam War were, "bomb them back into the stone age!" types, that also advocated invading North Vietnam and using atomic bombs to win the war. Doves during the Viet War were, "peace at any price." It is worth noting that the term "war hawk" is not exclusive to the Vietnam War, but is used to designate supporters of ANY armed conflict.

What types of munitions were used in the second world war?

Many different types of ammunition were used by various countries during World War II. Some were bombs dropped from airplanes, bullets shot from different types of guns, and torpedoes shot from submarines.

What types of bombs were there in world war 1?

there were three types of bombs that hit Coventry and they arei don't know what they are hahahahahahaha fooled you