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Sprite or siera mist

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Q: What types of clear sodas are there?
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Do dark sodas or clear sodas have more fizz?


Is clear soda acidic?

It is less acidic than regular sodas you drink, but it is still slightly acidic. Most regular sodas have more sugar, sweeteners, and carbon, unlike clear soda.

What soda stains your teeth the least?

Clear sodas stain teeth the least. All sodas are bad for teeth though. Sodas are highly acidic and damage tooth enamel.

How many types of sodas are there in the world?

There are probably over 100 kinds in the world.

Which sodas explode which sodas don't explode?

When a sealed can or bottle is overheated this can explode; but the phenomenon is not specific for sodas.

What are the colors of soda?

Sodas can come in any possible color from red to green to yellow to orange to purple to brown. Soda is just carbonated water (which is clear) plus sugars (which dissolve clear) plus food coloring.

What are some sodas?

they are something you drink and buy at a store.they are call sodas!

Which sodas have brominated vegetable oil in it?

Almost all citrus sodas

Can you drink mountain dew on a gluten free diet?

No, this actual has modified food starch which is not gluten free. Sodas that are clear like sprite are usually safe.

Are diet sodas better for your teeth than regular soda?

No, in fact, I don't think either sodas or nay kind of sodas can help teeth.

Do regular sodas have more fats than diet sodas?

Sodas do not contain any fat to begin with. The difference between regular sodas and diet sodas is the sweeteners used, because the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas lower the calorie count of the drink. However, many of those artificial sweeteners have adverse effects, and are often thought to be carcinogens (cancer-causing agents)

Is coca cola the most unhealthy soda?

Sodas weren't made to be healthy, they were made to be unhealthy and refreshing. The most unhealthy types of sodas are the ones with Corn Syrup. If you would like a "healthier" (not as unhealthy) drink, then get sodas made with sugarcane instead.