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Well i know one of the habitats is the sea Anemones, it is a plant that has stingers on it that clown fish will actually live inside because the sting does not effect them but can affect any other creature which is why they must feel so safe inside them!

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Q: What types of different habitats can be found in the coral reef?
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Types of coral?

There is an estimated 50 different types of coral. The most common types of coral are hermatypic coral, ahermatypic coral, and perforate coral.

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How has marine biology helped?

we have found thousands of new species and different coral types by usng marine biology.

What different types of species of coral are there?

well their is soft coral and hard coral +brain coral breanha coral lily coral and extra coral

What are the name of different types of habitats found in Pakistan?

There are lots of habitats in pakistan like crocodies,Black Buck and Nepal

Is coral a mollusks?

No, they are different types of animal.

How many different types of fish live in a coral reef?

there is over 4000 species of fish living in the coral reef

What are the types of habitat?

There are a huge number of types of habitats including deserts, coral reefs, woodland forests, and alpine forests. Other habitats include tundras and freshwater ecosystems.

Can you find shrimps in coral reefs?

Yes, many different types of shrimp live on coral reefs.

What are the different types of coral species?

Organismal, repmal, and protosynthetic.

Are coral reefs rich in species?

Coral reefs provide diverse habitats for a great variety of animal and plant species. So, yes, they are very rich, in terms of the number and types of species which reside in and around them.

How many types of habitats are there?

There are many different types of habitats including aquatic desert grassland tundra and forest. Depending on the context there could be different subcategories within these main types. For example aquatic habitats could include both saltwater and freshwater habitats. Aquatic habitats Desert habitats Grassland habitats Tundra habitats Forest habitatsWithin these habitats there are various ecosystems that could be counted as well. For example a desert may have an oasis and a forest may have a meadow. Depending on how these ecosystems are counted the total number of habitats could vary.