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A raw food vegan diet does not consist of foods that have been cooked. Pasteurized milks, and cooked meats are also not a part of a raw food vegan diet.

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Q: What types of food are absolutely not in a raw food vegan diet?
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Are there B complex diet supplements available to support a vegan diet?

Try your local mega-marts or health food specialty stores for these supplements. There are several brands and types available that are vegan-friendly.

What is the most important food in a vegan diet?

Leafy green vegetables are probably the most important food in anyone's diet.

Does the vegan diet actually work?

The Vegan diet is not for everyone. Be sure to consult your doctor first. Some examples of a vegan are avoidance of animal in everything even non food items, avoidance in animal products.

What is Bruce springsteen's favorite food?

Bruce Springsteen commits to a raw-food, vegan diet. He has stated publicly that dairy affects his singing ability.

What are some vegetarian diets?

Some vegetarian diets include the Vegan diet. I believe they eat special types of food and no meat as vegetarians do. You can also find more on the computer.

On what websites can I find information on the easy vegetarian diet plan?

The website, is an excellent resource for someone watching to start a vegan diet. It includes topics such as, vegan nutrition, vegan food pyramid and meal planners.

What is a healthy raw food vegan diet?

A typical healthy raw food vegan diet consists of a mix of three majory food groups. These include sweet fruits, leafy greens, and high-fat plants. The exact ratio of these foods varies depending on the individual.

What do vegans feed their pets?

It depends. Some vegans consider their cats, for example, to be obligate carnivores, and feed them conventional cat food. Others feed their cats a vegan diet supplemented with taurine and other nutrients. Many vegans understand that dogs are omnivores and can thrive on a vegan diet. Rabbits and other small animals are naturally vegan and thrive on a vegan diet.

Where can I find more information on : living food diet?

The living food diet is a vegitarian or vegan diet. Please see the following website for more information about this subject:

Is raw food diet unhealthy?

If by "raw food diet" you mean "raw vegan" than yes. It is the ultimate health and healing diet, used to treat and reverse cancer in cancer patients.

What is Christopher Drew's favorite food?

he fallows a strict vegan diet and he loves sour patch kids

What individuals would be at risk with a vegan diet?

People who drink heavily or consume nothing but junk food. But they would be at risk with almost any diet.