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I caught a baby Box turtle and even though i have seen that they eat more meat than vegetables, i feed mine fruits and vegetables.

fruits- Pears, tomatoes, apples, banana

vegetables- spinach leaves, carrots, lettuce

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14y ago
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13y ago

Baby water turtles probably will not eat many vegetables when young, but it's best to keep offering so they get used to the idea.

Staple vegetables are: dandelion greens, green/red leaf lettuce, turnip greens.

You can also offer: carrots, sweet potato, romaine lettuce, kale and squash.

Fruit is not a natural part of the water turtle diet, but a little mango, papaya or cantaloupe can be given (meat only, no seeds or skin).

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Q: What kind of fruits in vegetables can a baby water turtle eat?
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One reason why your baby turtle will not eat because newly-acquired turtles may be shy and may not eat at first. They are more likely to eat if you do not watch them so this is one case where you would not try to watch them eat, if you want-try walking away from wherever they are kept and come back to wherever they are kept in like 3-5 minutes. Your turtle also needs to be fed in water because painted turtles are aquatic and they have special tongues that only allow them to swallow food under water.

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she can put baby lotion a nursing mother can take a positive diet of more vegetables and fruits. add fruits and vegetables with vit c. this with proper guidance. also keep away from smoking or in a room where others smoke. use olive or til oil with a little milk and honey for a gentle rub and wash with warm water.

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yes they can only for about 20 mins have fun with your bady turtle out of the water and rember only about 20 mins