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Q: What types of guns did ironclads have in the civil war?
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What were the technolgical development in the civil war change warfare?

Repeating rifles, Gatling guns, ironclads, heavier artillery, et cetera

What were ironclads used for during the civil war?

Naval battle

How many ironclads were there in the beginning of the Civil War?

There were no ironclads at the beginning of the war. The first was the CSS Virginia, which was built on the remains of the USS Merrimac after the Confederates captured the shipyard in Norfolk.

What were 3 new innovations of the US Civil War were mines and what?

There were many more than 3 innovations during the Civil war: ironclads, submarines, land and sea mines (called torpedoes), steel wire used in the field fortifications, the first types of machine-gun, repeating rifles, breech-loading rifled guns, armoured railway cars.

How many types of guns where in the civil war?

There were approximatley 120 different types of guns in the civil war. There were many varieties of muskets, repeaters, pistols, ect. Many of these weapons were similar varieties of the same model of weapons. For example the union had muskets as well as the confederacy but they were different varieties.

How guns changed the Civil War?

The civil war was more deadly.

What was the outcome of the battle of ironclads?

If you mean American civil war- Stalemate. If you mean Jutland WWI - stalemate.

What two naval revolution occured during the civil war?

The first use of a submarine to sink a warship occurred in the Civil War. The conflict between two ironclad ships occurred for the first time in the Americas during the Civil War; ironclads were already in use in Europe and had battled in the Adriatic.

How many sailors where needed to run the Civil War Ironclad Warships?

Large Confederate ironclads and rams, such as the CSS Albemarle, CSS Tennesee and the CSS Virginia had a crew of anywhere from 100 to 150 depending on how many guns they had. Union Monitors, which only had two large guns (and a few double turreted which had 4 guns) carried only half as many, about 60 to 75.) Union casemated ironclads, such as USS Cairo, carried about 125 sailors and officers.

How heavy were civil war guns?

15- 20 lbs was the common weight of civil war guns not artillery just guns rifles and muskets included

What ironclads fought on waters during the civil war?

The Confederacy's Ship (Merrimack) And the Union's Ironclad Ship (Monitor)

Who designed the first ironclads the Union built in the US Civil War?

Samuel M. Pook designed the first Union ironclads. On October 12, 1861, the USS St. Louis was launched.