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People who feel protected when they are around someone who is popular or people are afraid of. Sometimes they join gangs so that they are not bullied them selves or they don't want to get hurt and by joining a gang it makes them look cool and tough and not afraid.........

hope this is the answer you are looking for x x

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Q: What types of people join gangs?
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Can caucasian people join street gangs?

Yes, Caucasian people can join street gangs.

Do people join gangs because they've always wondered about it?

knoe people join gangs because they want to be cool

How many teens join a gang?

There is no exact number of teens who join gangs as it varies by location, social factors, and individual circumstances. However, statistics show that gang involvement among teens is a significant issue in many communities, and efforts are being made to prevent and address this problem.

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Do juveniles who go to juvi join gangs for protection?

Sometimes juveniles join gangs for protection. Juveniles who go to juvi do not always join gangs fr protection.

Why do people join gangs or be in gang activity?

If its a cryme gang, then its for the money, and jewels

Why do innocent people join the nortenos?

Nobody in this world is completely innocent, but people join gangs for a number of reasons. Some people join cause their family member or members are or were in a gang, they might have a boyfriend or girlfriend in the gang, some people join cause their friend or friends were or are in gangs, they might join cause they need money or are looking for respect or maybe they don't have any friends or anybody that's there to support's a number of reasons people join gangs I could go on for days naming logical reasons people join gangs but there u go there's a few of 'em for ya. and on another note Nortenos are under the Blood Alliance now not Nuestra Familia(Our Family in english) x4 ene blood gang

Why would someone want to join a gang?

Many people join gangs to obtain protection from other gangs or to have a community network. Other reasons to join a gang are community affinity, sense of self in the community, networking, and being a part of a group.

Are Hispanics allowed in Black gangs?

Yes, Hispanics are allowed in Black gangs. Black gangs don't descriminate, they accept members of all races to join if they wanna join.

Who agrees that young kids should join gangs?

Why would you want children to join gangs?! Most gangs are dealing with drugs,violence and robbery. Those aren't acceptable.

Can whites join street gangs and what is required of them to join?

Yes, Whites can join street gangs, just as any other race of people. Everyone, no matter what their race is has to go through initiation to join a street gang, and initiation can be a series of things that might be required of u to do to join such as robbing, killing, shooting, stabbing, fighting, etc..The only way u can skip these types of initiation methods is if u are blessed in the gang, meaning the gang allows u to join because u have or had family and or friends who were or still are in the gang.

Is it true that kids join gangs for money and curisoty?

no kids join gangs for to be known as a strong guy tough guy and mostly to get into fights with other gangs which involves shooting and murder