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That depends on the chemistry of magma the volcano erupts - Basalt, andesite, rhyolite etc. but Generically the rock coming out of a volcano is called lava rock (pahoehoe or aa) but one can also get pumice or ignimbrites.

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Q: What types of rock does a volcano make?
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What rock would you find near a volcano?

you would find it in various different places on the volcano. there are also various different types of igneous rock, that there is on the volcano. like my answer? you don't have to use it but it would be good if you did

What effects make when a volcano erupts?

Lava and rock explode out of the volcano then lava pours down the volcano covering the land then turning into rock making the volcano bigger.

What types of material can come out of a volcano?

Lava, ash, smoke, and rock

Is schist rock by an active volcano?

Generally not. Schist is a metamorphic rock formed when other rock types are exposed to immense pressure. If schist is found near a volcano, it is only by coincidence.

How many types of rocks are there in a volcano?

there are 3 different kinds of volcanoes: shield volcano composite volcano cinder-cone volcano

What is volcano rock?

A volcano rock is rock formed from ash or lava erupted from a volcano.

What rock is a volcano made from?

There are dozens of subtly different varieties of volcanic rock. The most basic types of rock by composition are basalt, andesite, and rhyolite. By texture and how they are placed, rock types may include cooled lava, pumice, scoria, and tuff.

Do different types of rock make different types of glass?

yes, different types of rock probably do make different types of glass

What happens to rock when it goes to volcano?

this question dose not make sense

Where is volcano rock found?

Volcano rock near volcano's, which are found near plate boundary's.