

What types of seeds would be dispersed by animals?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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pine seeds,berry seeds,and pine cone seeds

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Q: What types of seeds would be dispersed by animals?
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i would say animals

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Hibiscus disperse seeds by animals as the seed would hook onto the animal's hairs while it is sucking nectar

How does a goosegrass help the seeds to be scattered away from the parent plant?

Most love grass are dispersed by animals. Some may be dispersed by wind or by gravity.(But for those who are primary students,dispersal by animals would be the best answer.)

What are the reasons for why seeds need to be dispersed?

so that they can grow. If the seeds are not dispersed, they would just fall next to the parent plant. This means it would be constantly fighting for enough water, light and nutrients.

How is love grass dispersed?

Love grass has seeds that have hooks to hook onto the fur, feathers, and hair of passing animals. The animals disperse them until they eventually fall off to spread in a different area.

How are tomato seeds dispersed?

The fruit would drop to the ground then in spring new tomato plants would grow around where the parent plant used to be. Or the fruit is eaten by birds or animals then excreted in a different location.

How love grass disperse?

Most love grass are dispersed by animals. Some may be dispersed by wind or by gravity.(But for those who are primary students,dispersal by animals would be the best answer.)

What is to plant or scatter seeds?

Short answer: Seed dispersal rarely happens for a daffodil. If the plant does produce seed (this is very inefficient for a bulb plant), the seed will burst from the ovule and fall among the leaves of the same plant. For them to be dispersed, it would take a squirrel or some other animal to gather and distribute the seed. Since the daffodil tissue is toxic to animals, they leave the clumps alone, and that includes seed gathering.

What conditions would most reduce the number of plant seeds being dispersed?

Probably rain and cold damp conditions.

How is tulip seeds dispersed?

Mostly by wind. In the city alot of them get dispersed by lawn mowers.AND SOME THE BIRDSthe dandelion seed is dispersed when wind pass they take the dandelion with themThey disperse their seeds by the wind .WindDandelion seeds are normally dispersed by explosionThey are wafted on the zephyrs of mother nature. (OK, OK, the wind blows them around)Dandelions get dispersed when they are blown away to make wishes on by us , they can be carried away on animals fur , they can also be drifted away by water . The most used dispersal method would pro bally be the wind .Seed dispersal in dandelion takes place by wind. Single seeded fruit (cypsella) provided by hairy parashute is carried by wind to long distances.

Can seeds germinate if they are not dispersed?

all the plants' seeds would fall in one place . There would be no space for all of the seeds to germinate and grow . All of them will die in the end.

How does papaya dispersed its seed?

Papayas have tiny black peppercorn sized seeds and several hundred in each Papaya. It is an easy fruit to pick. I would think an animal that ate a papaya would also eat some seeds and they would germinate after going through them.The fruit gets eaten which the animals eat and they do not get eaten because they are too big and then they germinate and grow into a new plant.