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Texas Prairie University.

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Q: What university does Claire Danvers attend in the Morganville Vampires?
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Who has a baby in the morganville vampires?

Claire Danvers and Shane Collins have a baby in the Morganville Vampires series.

Who is the main character in The Morganville Vampires series?

Claire Danvers.

Who killed Claire Danvers in The Morganville Vampires series?

Claire Danvers is a main character in The Morganville Vampires series and she does not die throughout the series.

Who does Claire Danvers date in the Morganville Vampires novels?

Claire dates Shane Collins

What are the last names of the morganville vampires characters?

Shane Collins, Michael Glass, Eve Rosser and Claire Danvers.

How long is Claire Danvers hair in the Morganville Vampires books?

In the Morganville Vampires series, Claire Danvers' hair is often described as mid-length, falling somewhere between her shoulders and mid-back. However, the exact length may vary slightly depending on the descriptions throughout the series.

What happens in the first Morganville Vampires book Glass House?

In the first Morganville Vampires book "Glass Houses," a college student named Claire Danvers moves to the town of Morganville to attend Texas Prairie University, but quickly discovers that the town is run by vampires. She moves into the Glass House, a residence for fellow outcasts, and must navigate the dangerous politics of the vampire community while trying to survive.

What color is Claires hair in thye morganville vampires?

Claire's hair in "The Morganville Vampires" series is described as auburn.

What chapter do Claire danvers and Shane Collins sleep together?

In the Morganville Vampires series, Claire Danvers and Shane Collins first sleep together in the book "Fade Out," which is the seventh book in the series.

Does Shane ask Claire to marry him in the book 7 of Morganville Vampires?

Yes, in book 7 of the Morganville Vampires series, "Fade Out," Shane does ask Claire to marry him. It's a significant moment in their relationship.

Does Claire comes back to life as a human in the book the last breath in morganville vampires?


Do Claire's parents stay in morganville in the morganville vampires books?

Yes, Claire's parents do not stay in Morganville throughout the series. Claire moves to Morganville on a scholarship and her parents remain in their own town.