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Q: What unwritten custom is used to decide the assignment of committee chairpersons?
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What is seniority rule?

Seniority rule is the tradition on the senate in which the chair of a committe is given to the most senior majority senator on that committee

An action by a public official or agency that violates an unwritten custom?

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Which unwritten custom did the 22nd Amendment establish as law?

limited a president to two terms

Political parties and the President's Cabinet are considered to be part of the unwritten constitution because these groups?

developed through custom & usage

Was segregation a law or a custom?

Segregation was such a strong custom that it was basically the unwritten law of the south. Other northern states slowly moved away after the 1890's. But, segreagation was never an actual law in states.

What is the unwritten constitution is best defined as?

The Unwritten Constitution refers to the ideas and principles that are generally accepted as a vital part of the American government, regardless of the fact that they are not in the Constitution. Many of its aspects are already ingrained into the system.

How can I write an assignment for an A+ grade?

Ways to write an outstanding assignment for an A+ grade? Choose an assignment topic Structure your ideas Craft a custom thesis statement The body paragraphs Adjust your writing to the requested type of assignment Peer review may be useful Revise until you’re fully satisfied If you are looking for SPSS help then you should search for Silverlakeconsult, SPSS-tutor and more for scoring A+ grade.

What is the unwritten custom of seniority rule?

It is the unwritten understanding within societies that, between any two people, authority on any decision made between them, or within society itself, goes to the older person. Of course, this naturally applies within families, but occasionally, extenuating circumstances arise in life. In families, if the parents were killed, for instance, the 'rule' of the remaining family would go to the eldest

When can something be labeled 'bydesign'?

Something can be labelled 'bydesign" when it has been custom designed by an individual or committee that specializes in that specific commodity. There is no other product on the market like the one that has been created "bydesign".

What is sentorial courtesy?

The question is wrong. It should be: What is senatorial courtesy? Senatorial courtesy is an unwritten political custom or constitutional convention in the United States. The president consults the senior U.S. Senator of his political party of a given state before nominating any person to a federal vacancy within that Senator's state.

When writing a paper What are three elements that a professor might indicate in an assignment?

When writing a custom law assignment, you need to focus on various elements such as introduction, dissertation, and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion must reflect the whole essence of the assignment without distracting from the actual topic of the essay. But writing a law assignment requires perfect writing skills and deep knowledge of the topic so that you can prepare a well-designed dissertation and finish your assignment with proper referencing. You can search for reliable legal writing services also like O'Connor-PhD Law Writers, which will include all the important pointers to finish your essay. A professor will look for a well-written introduction & conclusion, a properly organised dissertation, and actual references & formatting.

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