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In The Bible, it was apparently money changing in the Temple.

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When you turn from his teachings and reject him (but he will still forgive you if you ask him to).

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Q: What upset Jesus the most?
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The comparative of upset is more upset; the superlative is most upset.

Why did Jesus upset some Jewish authorities?

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Did Jesus ever upset anyone?

Yes, Jesus greatly upset the religious rulers of the day who did not appreciate him exposing their hypocrisy and legalism. The messages of Jesus continues to upset people today resulting in the persecution and intolerance levelled against His teachings and followers, even by those who are tolerant of the teachings of other religious leaders.

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Many of the Jewish people were scared and upset, mainly after the curtain tore in two, and the darkness . They said Jesus was truly the son of God. Pilate was greatly upset so much so that he committed suicide.

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the Christians are upset, because the davinci code is pretty much saying jesus was a phoney and went against things he believed in.

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When someone ask's a question about what types of things frustrate or upset me the most .

Why do girls dress provocatively and then get upset when guys look at them?

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Most often those who upset Artemis did not live long, and if immortal regretted her ire.

Why did jesus get upset for cutting off the servants ear?

Because he wanted to do the will of God and die on the cross for us. He did not want violence.

Where did Judas get the rope that hung himself?

i don't know. Probably he was upset at him self for betraying jesus or some guards killed him.