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i don't know. Probably he was upset at him self for betraying jesus or some guards killed him.

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Q: Where did Judas get the rope that hung himself?
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Who was the apostel who hung himself?

Judas Iscariot

What happened to Judas Iscariot during the crucifixion?

He hung himself

Who was in control of Judas all along?

SIN- the Devil, Evil spirits- he was a Bad Guy, no exceptions- and ultimately hung himself.

Who restlessly hung himself on a tree?

It was Judas Iscariot , after the silver coins were rejected by the priests, and he realized that he betrayed innocent blood.

Which disciple hung himself?

Judas Iscariot(Matthew 27:5) ". . . So he threw the silver pieces into the temple and withdrew, and went off and hanged himself. "

What was the conversation between Judas and the chief priests really about?

In their first conversation they discussed how much the priests would pay for Judas to betray Jesus. In their meeting after the betrayal, Judas realized that he had given Jesus up to be killed and gave the money back. Judas then went out and hung himself.

What is correct He hanged himself or He hung himself?

he hung himselfExample: He will hang himself. He has hanged himself. He hung himself.

What does Judas do after Jesus got arrested?

After Jesus was arrested, Judas regretted his betrayal and tried to return the thirty pieces of silver he had received as payment. When the religious leaders refused to accept the money, Judas threw the coins into the temple and then hanged himself.

Which of Jesus disciples turned on him?

This was Judas Iscariot - he betrayed the whereabouts of Jesus so he could be arrested in secret - for 30 pieces of silver (about a month's wage).

Did Judas really commit suicide considering that only Matthew 27 v5 claims he hanged himself and Acts 1 v18 claims he fell to his death?

Another answer from our community:Matthew 27:5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.Acts 1:18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.Judas hung himself, yes. And then while he was dead, God made his chest open and his guts spilled out onto the ground. However this is not how he killed himself. He hung himself, not split himself open. God did that There is a simple answer which explains this. There is apparently a cliff where Judas is supposed to have hung himself. Either the rope broke, or the branch broke.

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By a rope

How much Did Judas pay for potters field?

Judas did not pay for the potters field. After he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, he returned the money to the Jewish leaders then went out and hung himself. Because it was blood money, the money could not be returned to the treasury and was used to buy a potter's field in Judas' name.