

What us an abstract noun for busy?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What us an abstract noun for busy?
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What is the abstract noun for busy?

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No, the word 'busiest' is the superlative form of the adjective busy (busier, busiest).The abstract noun form of the adjective 'busy' is business.

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The noun 'curse' is an abstract noun as a word for a bad situation or event caused by someone's deliberate use of their magic powers; an unpleasant situation or influence that continues for a long time; a word for a concept.The noun 'curse' is a concrete noun as a word for an offensive or very impolite word or phrase spoken or written.The noun form of the verb to curse is the gerund, cursing, a concrete noun as a word for spoken words.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'busy' is business.

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