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In the protists there are food vacuoles in which food is digested so that it can be used by the cell. This is the large vacuole present in plant cells.

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Q: What us the function of the large vacuole present in the cells of green plants?
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What is a function of the plant vacuole?

A vacuole is a membrane bound organelle that is present in all plant and fungal cells. It is used for storage of water.

What is a vacuole and its function?

A vacuole is an organelle that holds water and other needed materials for cells, much like a pool. While plant cells are well known to have large vacuoles to conserve water for dry days, other cells have different purposes.

Do plants have vacuole cells?

Yes it does.

Does an animal have a central vacuole?

Animal cells very rarely have a vacuole. Mainly plants cells have them

Is Vacuole found in plant or animals or both?

a vacuole is in both plants and animals cells

Is a vacuole in the animal cell?

Small vacuoles present in animal cells.Plant cells have a large vacuole.

Where do plants cells often store wasted?

central vacuole

What are two structures that are present in plant cells but are absent in animal cells?

Cell wall and Chloroplasts are present in plant cells but absent in animal cells.

Is The vacuole in both plants and animals cells?

no, it's found only in plant cells

What cell does animal cells have that plants cells don't have?

cell walls and chloroplast and vacuole

Which organelle is found in both animal and plant cells?

The organelles common to plant and animal cells are Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Nucleus, Golgi bodies, Endoplasmic reticulum, Ribosomes, & Vacuoles. Lysosomes are not that common in plants, rarely present in plants but are present in animals. Chlooplastids and Cell wall are present in plant cells,not in animal cells. Centrosomes are present in animal cells only, not in plant cells.

Is vacuole present in animals?

Vacuoles are only present in plant cells. Animal cells have small pores called vesicles.