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Q: What use glucose for carbon and energy photoautotroph chemohetorotroph or photoheterotroph?
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Where does a photoautotroph get its energy and carbon?

A photoautotroph gets its energy initially from light, and its carbon from carbon dioxide.

What does NOT use an inorganic source of carbon as its sole source?

a photoheterotroph

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How does carbon dioxide influence how plants produce glucose?

Carbon dioxide levels influence how many sugars(glucose) a plant can produce greatly. This is because 6 molecules of water and 6 molecules of carbon dioxide will release a sugar through series of reactions. So if you have many carbon dioxide molecules it makes it a lot easier for a plant or any other photoautotroph.

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What are photoheterotrophs?

A photoheterotroph is an organism which depends on light for the majority of its energy and that mainly depends on organic compounds for its carbon.

What is photohererotrophs?

A photoheterotroph is an organism that uses light as an energy source and obtains its carbon source from organic compounds.

What carbon is the anomeric carbon in glucose and fructose?

in glucose it is carbon# 1... and in fructose it is carbon# 2... becoz aldehyde and ketone group of glucose and fructose are attached to ist and 2nd carbon respectivally....

What compound provides the carbon needed to synthesize glucose?

Carbon dioxide provides the carbon needed to synthesize glucose.

Is glucose oganic and how can you tell?

Glucose is an organic compound because glucose contains carbon and organic compounds contain carbon.

What bacteriochlorophylls and uses alcohols for carbon?

Answer: A Photoheterotroph Feedback: *Energy source: -Phototroph: uses light -Chemotroph: uses redox reactions from an organic or inorganic compound *Carbon source: -Autotroph: uses CO2 -Heterotroph: uses an organic source of carbon

What form does all the carbon atoms of glucose eventually end up in?

After the glucose is eaten and digested and metabolized, the carbon atoms in the glucose will wind up in the form of carbon dioxide.