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Q: What uses a few words to convey a lot of information?
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Using a few words to convey a lot of information is called?


Uses of animation?

In as few words as possible, it is to convey a desired idea from a pre-conceived thought of your mind. - The Endeavourer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT DELETE ANSWER - ADD TO IT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How is hills like white elephant notable for its modernist use?

compression, which uses few words to show a lot of information. -apex

What do you call someone who uses many words when a few would do?

A politician.

What is the definition of economy in poetry?

Economy in poetry refers to the skillful use of language and words to convey meaning efficiently and effectively. It involves the use of concise and impactful language to convey complex ideas or emotions with brevity and precision. Economy in poetry often involves the careful selection of words and avoidance of unnecessary repetition or verbosity.

What device a writer uses when he trys to express feelingsattitudesbehaviours and other ideas in just a few words?


Is smallest an adverb?

Yes, it can be. The words small, smaller, or smallest can be both adjectives and adverbs. There are, however, very few uses of smallest as an adverb compared to its uses as an adjective.

What does the activation-information-model suggest?

The activation-information-mode model suggests that dreams in which information that is accessed during waking hours can have an influence on the synthesis of dreams. In other words, when the brain is "making up" a dream to explain its own activation, it uses meaningful bits a pieces of the person's previous day or last few days.

Who plays ferb fletcher?

Ferb is a boy of few words. But when he does speak he uses the voice of British actor Thomas Sangster.

What does rebus code mean?

A rebus code is a type of substitution cipher where words or phrases are represented by a combination of pictures or symbols. Each picture or symbol corresponds to a certain letter or sound, allowing the hidden message to be deciphered. Rebus codes can be a fun and creative way to encrypt messages.

What is a forward?

A forward is a message or something that is sent to someone then they can send it other people __________ Since this is in books and literature I assume you mean a foreword, which is just a few words by an author of whatever content they wish to convey :)