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I read the old chuckwagon cooks would get the branding irons hot & use them to stir the chili & cook it faster at the same time.

I don't have any official source. This is just what I read.

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Q: What utensil is used with branding iron chili?
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What do you call a hot iron used to mark ownership of an animal?

Branding iron is employed for branding, pressing a heated metal shape against an object or livestock with the intention of leaving an identifying mark. Buy branding iron, wood branding iron or electric branding iron from LWLeathers today. All custom branding irons are made to high precision by CNC in solid brass.

Who would use a branding iron?

A branding iron is often used by cattlemen and some horse breeders in areas of the world that have large and common ground feeding ranges. It helps to distinguish whose cattle and stock belongs to whom.

What is the materials used in branding livestock?

Materials used for Hot Iron Branding are: Iron, steel, and stainless steel. Stainless steel is noted for its abiltiy to withstand extreme heat. Irons made of copper alloy will not withstand the extreme heat as well as iron or steel. Materials used for Freeze Branding Irons are: Irons made of copper or bronze alloy. Solid copper is best but most expensive. Materials used for Electric Branders are: (A) Cow Brand-uses 5/16" element for characters 4" or 5" high. (B) Calf Brand-uses 1/4" element for characters 2 1/2" or 3" high. (C) Horse Brand-uses 3/16" element for characters 2" or 2 1/2" high.

If the san Carlos borromeo de carmelo mission raised cattle what would their iron branding symbol be?

The Iron Branding Symbol used by the Carmel Mission ie, The Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, was an M and R blended together. (MR) with the letters connected.

When did the punishment of branding fall out of favor?

The punishment of branding has a long and painful history, not just in Europe but in the US as well. The most forgiving brand was for first offenses. The offender wore a brightly colored letter on their clothing. Not so lucky the second time around. A hot iron was held onto the offending part of the accused's body. A thief had a hand branded with a T (for thief). A third offense was usually death. Some crimes though were deemed so horrible that iron branding came with the first punishment. Counterfeiting was one such crime. For printing your own currency you got a large, hot F on your face. (the F stands for forger) The branding iron was officially used for the last time on a man named Jonathan Walker, who in 1844 had the letters SS (slave stealer) burned into the palm of his right hand. Except for a mass branding during the Civil War for deserters, branding had just about run its course. There were tales of unlawful branding, vigilante branding, but even these were gone by the 1880s and 1890s.

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It is a kitchen utensil

What can chili sauce be used for?

Chili sauce is used for making food spicy.

What is slave branding?

It was where slave owners used branding irons (yes, the same ones used to brand cattle) in order to mark their slaves.

What does this mean Have an iron on the fire?

If you think of the days of blacksmiths and when metals were forged by being heated to glowing in the flames then manipulated or bent whilst hot, or used for branding animals with a burn mark which healed and formed a scar bearing the number or letter on the branding iron. Now imagine what it may mean, as a double meaning to have your iron on the fire. To be ready for action, to be waiting for the right moment to strike with your iron. Possibly patience for the appropriate moment. To lie in strand make the most of the fires heat while it lasts.

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