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Within their first year, puppies should receive vaccinations for Measles, Rabies, and DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluena, Parvovirus). You may also have the option to have your puppy vaccinated against Bordatella, Lyme disease, Coronavirus, and Leptospirosis.

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Q: What vaccinations do puppies need during their first year?
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How many vaccinations do puppies need and at what ages?

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When will the shih-tzu need his first vaccinations?

In Australia Puppies are vaccinated at 8 to 10 weeks not sure about other countries but guess it would be about the same

What puppies need to be healthy?

Generally they need rest (puppies sleep more then older dogs), clean water, the right amount of food (puppies will eat more than older dogs), and excercise. Regular vaccinations and check-ups at the vet will also help to keep your dog healthy.

What shots do puppies need first?

depending on where you go to get your shots and the age of your puppy, the first round for puppies usually doesnt have the parvo vaccine. they are able to get a parvo vaccine after they reach 6 weeks of age. and should be boosted on that monthly until the reach about 4 months old.

Are puppies first shots sufficient for worming?

Puppy shots do not treat for worms. Vaccinations trigger the immune system to develop antibodies to viruses. Worms (intestinal parasites) need to be diagnosed and treated with an appropriate anti-parasitic agent (dewormer).

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Unless it's a very special chicken they don't need vaccinations.

Do you need vaccinations for Caribbean?


Do puppies need food during the night?

how to marketing for food night key words

When should you get your kitten vaccinated?

Kittens usually begin their vaccines at around 9 weeks of age. They receive their second set of vaccines when 12 weeks until they have a total of two sets of vaccinations. The first of these final vaccines primes the kitten's matured immune system, while the final set provides immunity for a year.

Do you need vaccinations for Singapore and Hong Kong?

Yes you do need vaccinations for Singapore and Hong Kong because you can get a vary harmful disses

Can you give water to newborn puppies?

The newborn puppies should be nursing from their mother, they get all the liquid they need from her the first two or three weeks.

What vaccinations and are malaria tablets needed for cape verde?

No, you don't need vaccinations when visiting Cape Town.