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Individual freedom, education, religious values, equality values

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Q: What values and ideals are important in the US today?
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Why is saying the pledge important?

Reminding us of the ideals our country was brought up on and to keep these ideals going everyday, and reminding us for what soldiers are fighting for -these ideals-.

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The voting rights for the blacks is one of the most important reforms that are important in the US today. Constitutionalism is another reform in the US today.

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The US tries to create a foreign policy based on the values of democracy, representation, human rights, and meritocracy. In many ways, the US falls far short of this mark, but the intent is a replication of those values that the US treasures for its own citizens, so the exportation of those values is a contribution in line with US political and economic ideals.

How has the us lived up to ideals Lincoln describes in the Gettysberg address?

We have Freedom and Equality today in the United States. We are a desegregated country.

Why is the Texas revoutlion important to us today?

its not

Why is baptism relevant to us today?

Baptism is still important to us today because it initiates us into the Christian church.

Would you say the US is going through a renaissance today similar to the one in England between 1485 and 1660?

No, US is more in the age of technology than artistic/cultural ideals.

Why is roman law important to us today?

Roman law is important to us today becasue our society uses many of the roman laws of ancient Rome

How is Alfred Nobel's invention important to us today?

It is important to us in this way we, would not be able to mine for oil.

Why do you know Anaxagoras today?

To show us that he was important to the world by teaching us to become something you want that makes you important.