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Samurai valued honor, loyalty, courage, and self-discipline. They also valued respect for authority and tradition, as well as a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

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Q: What values did the samurai respect?
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What were the beliefs and values of the Samurai?

Samurai believed in loyalty, honor, and self-discipline. They followed a code of conduct called bushido, which emphasized virtues like courage, integrity, and respect. Samurai also valued skill in martial arts and saw themselves as warriors bound to serve their lord with unwavering devotion.

Why did the values of the samurai code appeal to the Japanese for centuries?

The values of the samurai code, known as Bushido, emphasized traits like loyalty, honor, and self-discipline which resonated with Japanese society. These values provided a moral and ethical framework for the samurai class while fostering a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards their lord and country. Additionally, the code instilled a sense of identity and pride among the samurai, contributing to its enduring appeal throughout Japanese history.

Why do you think the values of the samurai code appealed to Japanese for centuries?

The values of the samurai code, such as honor, loyalty, and discipline, were appealing to the Japanese because they provided a sense of purpose, identity, and structure in a society that valued order and hierarchy. These values also reflected the cultural and social ideals of the time, emphasizing bravery, self-sacrifice, and resilience in the face of challenges. Additionally, the code offered a moral framework for samurai to follow in their service to their lords and country.

Why do the values of the samurai code continue to appeal to many Japanese today?

The values of the samurai code, such as honor, loyalty, and discipline, are deeply rooted in Japanese culture and history. They resonate with many Japanese people as a symbol of strength, integrity, and tradition. These values are often upheld and admired as a way to uphold moral standards and personal integrity in modern society.

How should a samurai believe he should act toward his lord?

A samurai should believe he should act with loyalty, respect, and obedience towards his lord, following the code of bushido which emphasizes honor and duty. The samurai should prioritize their lord's well-being and interests above their own.

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How did people treat the Samurai?

With respect. If they did not treat him with respect, they would get killed.

What were the benefits for a samurai?

You get to defend yourself and you get more respect

What are the values you respect?

There are a number of values that each person would respect. Many people would respect honestly or respect itself for example.

What were the beliefs and values of the Samurai?

Samurai believed in loyalty, honor, and self-discipline. They followed a code of conduct called bushido, which emphasized virtues like courage, integrity, and respect. Samurai also valued skill in martial arts and saw themselves as warriors bound to serve their lord with unwavering devotion.

What are values a samurai must have?

They must follow Bushido which is the samurai code of honor.

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ex-samurai or descendants of the samurai and shared the same values and outlooks.

Why did the values of the samurai code appeal to the Japanese for centuries?

The values of the samurai code, known as Bushido, emphasized traits like loyalty, honor, and self-discipline which resonated with Japanese society. These values provided a moral and ethical framework for the samurai class while fostering a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards their lord and country. Additionally, the code instilled a sense of identity and pride among the samurai, contributing to its enduring appeal throughout Japanese history.

What are some values from 1910 to 1919?

The amount of Stability and Respect from back then is remarkable. Some of the values are most likely respect and how they worked together and farmed for what they have. The amount of Stability and Respect from back then is remarkable. Some of the values are most likely respect and how they worked together and farmed for what they have. Thanks!!!

How does the Samurai treat his lord?

He treats his lord with great and total respect. He lives and fights for his lord.

What is meant by discrete values with respect to flip-flop and latch?

What is meant by discrete in values with respect to flip-flops and latch is 0 and 1.

Why is it important to support and respect the diversity of different cultures and values?

because all different culture have different background and values that we need to respect

What was the code of daily behavior that samurai had to follow?

Samurai followed bushido (the way of the warrior), the seven virtues of bushido are Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Honesty, Honour and Loyalty