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Q: What variable is primary interest to the researcher?
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What is the primary difference between an experiment and observational study?

In an experiment, the researcher manipulates a variable.

What variable systematically manipulated by the researcher?

The independent variable is the one which the researcher controls and manipulates. On a graph this is the 'x' axis.

What is the primary variable for predicting the likelihood of joining an interest group?

There are primary variables that predict the likelihood of joining an interest group. The primary variables are a higher income and a higher level of education.

What variable did the researcher change during this experiment?

Control Variable

A variable of which a researcher is not aware but which might be causing changes in the response variable is called a variable?


What is the variable being changed by the researcher when designing an experiment?

The manipulated variable I think.

What is the name in an experimental design where the variable in which the researcher is trying to elicit a change?

Response Variable

What is the type of variable that a researcher wants to keep from affecting an experiments outcome?

Extraneous variable

What is a single factor manipulated by a researcher?

A variable factor.

The variable that the researcher controls is called the?

the dependent varible

What is a dependent variable in research?

The dependent variable is the variable that the researcher does not control. The researcher will change one variable called the independent variable (ex. temperature, amount of sunlight, amount of food, etc.) and then observe the corresponding dependent variable (ex. reaction of organism, amount of plant growth, swimming speed, etc.)

What is non-experimental research?

Non Experimental Research. Involves studying naturally occurring variation in the dependent and independent variable without any intervention by the researcher.