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The "King of the Road" is a school bus with the red flashers on! Even running lights and sirens, emergency responders will stop and shut down the siren for children crossing the road.

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Q: What vehicle does not have to yield to an ambulance?
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When you are driving and hear an ambulance siren?

yield to the emergency vehicle

Is it unlawful not to yield the right of way to an ambulance?

Yes. You are required to yield to any emergency vehicle with active emergency indicators (flashing lights, sirens, etc).

How does one yield right of way to an Ambulance on an expressway?

As an EMT, I work on the ambulance a lot and I've seen many ways people try to get out of the way of an ambulance. On ANY road, when an emergency vehicle is coming, SLOW DOWN, or STOP and pull to the RIGHT. That is the correct way to yield right of way to an ambulance. This will help ambulance crews AA whole lot.

What is the word for when you have to pull over for an ambulance?

To YIELD or to give the right-of-way.

Do you have to yield the right of way to a tank the same way you do to an ambulance police car or fire truck?

A tank is not an emergency vehicle and is probably not covered in the vehicle code. However it would be inadvisable to contest the right-of-way with a combat vehicle weighing more than your house.

Who is responsible for vehicle damage caused by ambulance?

The insurance company of the vehicle found to be at fault in the collision. The fact an ambulance was involved in not important.

Why do you call the vehicle for walking cases an ambulance?

Ambulance comes from the Latin ambulare, to walk about.

How much is fine for failure to yield to emergence vehicle?

How much is the fine for failure to yield to emergency vehicle?

Name of a vehicle that starts with a?

n Ambulance

Why is the red cross required to be placed on any vehicle considered to be a ambulance by Geneva Convention?

It signals that the vehicle is officially an ambulance: if a marked vehicle suddenly begins partaking in combat then it is in breach of the Geneva Convention; if an unmarked vehicle is attacked but later claimed or discovered to be an ambulance, no fault can be placed on the attackers.

What do ambulance?

The Ambulance is kind of vehicle for transportation of sick people. It is one of the safe vehicle for Injured or sick people to take him from Casualty places to hospital.

Why the word ambulance in an ambulance is written in reversed manner?

The aim of this is to allow people driving in front of the vehicle (ambulance) to see the word "AMBULANCE" when he/she looks in the rear view mirror. If the word was not reversed, the driver of the car ahead of the vehicle would see: "ECNALUBMA"