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Red veins carry oxygenated blood.

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Q: What veins carry oxygenated or blood red or blue?
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Why do your vains look blue?

your veins look blue because your blood has no oxygen, when your blood is oxygenated it is red and when it is deoxygenated it is blue. veins carry blood toward the heart and are often blue while arteries carry blood away from the heart and are filled with oxygenated blood.

What do veins do in the body?

Okay well what veins of the body do is they carry blood towards the heart. basically they are blood vessels. the difference between veins and arteries is that arteries Carrie oxygenated blood and veins carry deoxygenated blood that it also why veins are greenish- blue

What color are veins?

Veins are blue in color, they carry deoxygenerated blood which has greater absorption coefficient than the oxygenated blood that runs in artery which is mainly responsible for the blue color.

He had blue blood in his veins?

A blood seems blue in veins because when a blood is in veins they are low in oxygen and therefore look blue. When they get oxygenated, they become red and are carried by the artery.

Does blue veins mean your dying?

No, blue veins does not mean you are dieing blue veins mean that the vein is carrying de-oxygenated blood which is being carried from the heart to the lungs to be turned into an oxygenated red artery because the lungs fill the blood up with oxygen. tip: oxygenated blood is a bright red de-oxygenated blood is a dull red

Are arteries blue because they carry out wastes?

NO, no, no, no, no! That is a silly question. Arteries are red, Veins are blue, Ask another question like this and ur going down. Veins are blue because they carry de-oxygenated blood and wastes, not arteries

What color is de oxygenated blood?

No. De-oxygenated blood is a dark red color. It may look blue in an anatomy and physiology text book, but the authors do that to show more clearly which blood vessels, usually veins, that carry de-oxygenated blood. That is why they color them blue. And then the arteries, which usually carry oxygenated blood, are colored red. In real life, your veins look blue because of the other tissues that have pigments in them that you have to look through to see your veins. Even though they appear on the outside to be blue, in fact, on the inside they are carrying deep dark red blood. Just look at the vial of blood the next time the nurse draws some for a test. You will see that it is dark red.

Why some times blood look blue on the veins?

Blood becomes blue when it is deprived of oxygen. These veins are returning de-oxygenated blood to the heart, making them appear blue.

Which blood vessels carry blood blood away from the heart?

the arteries.Vessels that carry blood away from the heart are referred to as arteries. (For study purpose, remember *A*rtery = *A*way. They both start with A) Specifically, there are two main vessels that carry blood directly away from the heart. The aorta is the major vessel that takes oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart to the rest of the body. The pulmonary arteries take deoxygenated blood ("blue" blood") away from the heart to the lungs, where it is oxygenated then returned to be pumped out the aorta.

In which animal have blue blood?

All mammals have bluish blood until it is oxygenated. That's one reason why veins appear blue.

Do veins carry blood back to the heart?

Yes. Veins transport blood to the heart, while arteries transport blood away from the heart.

Which does not carry oxygenated blood?

All arteries (the red blood vessels) carry oxygenated blood. it's the viens (the blue blood vessels) that don't carry oxygenated blood. However the Pulmonary artery carries Deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be reoxygenated, as it carries blood away from the heart it is called a Artery.