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yes they do

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Q: What vibrates more hot or cold particles?
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What is the difference in hot and cold air particles?

what is the diffrence in hot and cold air particles

What is the difference between making cookies with hot water than with cold water?

More particles can be dissolved in hot water then in cold.

Is starch more soluble in hot or cold water?

Hot water, because particles will move faster and spread apart more than in cold water, thus making it more soluble.

What is the difference between hot air particles and cold air?

The difference lies in the speed of particles, not in the composition or structure of the individual particles themselves. Temperature measures the average speed of particles, so the particles which compose hot air are going to be moving faster than the cold air particles. Because of this, the two take on new properties - hot air will expand more rapidly and rise, while cold air will sink.

Is it hot or cold when particles in the air are moving quickly?


Does Hot Water Hold More Sugar Than Cold Water?

Hot water dissolves the sugar particles faster than cold because of energy. The higher energy allows faster moving of particles as they are more energetic and this helps dissolve the sugar.

Why does warm air rise and cols air sink?

It all has to do with the difference between the two. One is colder than the other. And why? Because the hot air has more kinetic energy than the cold air. This means the hot air particles are moving a lot faster, and are more spread apart. If the particles are more spread out, the cold air would be more dense than the hot air, and therefore the hot air will remain above the cold air.

How fast do tiny water particles move?

it depends if its in a hot or cold temperature. hot = FAST cold = SLOW

How does steam appear?

the particles of water vibrate in warm/hot temperatures, and at 212°F, it vibrates enough to evaporate, producing steam.

Why are the hot gas particles moving faster than cool gas particles?

Because hot gas particles have greater kinetic energy than cold gas particles

Do solids dissolve more quickly in cold or warm water?

Solids dissolve a lot more quickly in hot water because the heat breaks up the particles more quickly, where as the cold would make the particles stay stronger/closer together :)

If you drop something from the same height into hot and cold water which one hits the bottom first?

i would have to say the hot water because when its hot the partcials expand more so there is not as many in the way then with cold water the contract more so there are more particles in the way of your object.