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Q: What visitation rights does a spouse have with their child after the other spouse has left with the child?
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Can one legal gaurdian keep a child from the other legal gaurdian in Arizona for not paying child support?

Absolutely not. Visitation rights are decided by the court. Unless the court changes the visitation order, non-payment of child support is not grounds to withhold legal visitation rights.

Can you lose visitation rights if you're not the biological father?

Generally, no. However, you have not provided any detail and there may be circumstances under which an unfit mother may lose custody to a step father who has been a stable parent to the child. You should speak with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.

Can there be an upward modification of child support when non custodial parent loses visitation?

Visitation and child support are separate issues. One does not depend on the other. Parents must provide support for their children. There are many variations in visitation rights and those do not generally affect child support obligations.Visitation and child support are separate issues. One does not depend on the other. Parents must provide support for their children. There are many variations in visitation rights and those do not generally affect child support obligations.Visitation and child support are separate issues. One does not depend on the other. Parents must provide support for their children. There are many variations in visitation rights and those do not generally affect child support obligations.Visitation and child support are separate issues. One does not depend on the other. Parents must provide support for their children. There are many variations in visitation rights and those do not generally affect child support obligations.

Can a mother refuse child support in Texas as a way to deny paternal rights such as visitation holiday's etc?

No. Child support, visitation, custody etc are all separate issues. The court will see to what is best for the child and one parent can not deny the parental rights of the other.

Can a child move from one parent to another legally?

Not if the other parent has joint custody and/or visitation rights.

If you have full custody of your 3-year-old son what rights does his mother have and what rights does your new wife have?

A step-parent has no legal rights regarding your child. The biological mother has visitation rights and other rights when the child is in her custody.

Can you move out of state if you have sole physical custody but joint legal custody?

No. First you need the consent of the other parent and the visitation order modified by the court. You cannot interfere with the other parent's rights and by moving you would be interfering with visitations.No. First you need the consent of the other parent and the visitation order modified by the court. You cannot interfere with the other parent's rights and by moving you would be interfering with visitations.No. First you need the consent of the other parent and the visitation order modified by the court. You cannot interfere with the other parent's rights and by moving you would be interfering with visitations.No. First you need the consent of the other parent and the visitation order modified by the court. You cannot interfere with the other parent's rights and by moving you would be interfering with visitations.

Can a mother take fathers rights to a minor child if he is paying child support?

If you're the father, and the mother is attempting to deny you visitation rights, you need to get a lawyer and take it to court. If you're the mother, and you'd like to deny the father visitation rights, you need to get a lawyer and take it to court. Child support is an entirely separate issue. It has NOTHING to do with visitation or custody rights. You are obligated to abide by the court orders in both cases, but you don't get to stop paying support or deny visitation just because the other parent did the other one of those things.

Can I take my child to another state?

Not permanently if the other parent has any visitation rights. You need permission from the court.

If a child lives with mom and dad has visitation rights how old can the child be before they don't have court rights to go to the fathers?

See Link Below'Child Refusing To Visit Other Parent?'

If one parent has primary custody and the other parent has visitation which one is the custodial parent?

The custodial parent is the parent in which the child resides with. My son lives with me and I am the custodial parent, his dad has visitation rights and pays child support.

Can you stop your child from seeing the other parent if you cant get and address from them?

Go to the court of jurisdiction and file an emergency injunction temporarily stopping visitation rights based on the same. It is your right to know exactly where your child will be staying during visitation and if the location is unsuitable, it is also your right to request visitation modification based on the same including termination of visitation or supervised visitation.