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Vitamin C

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Q: What vitamin can be used to make hair grow?
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What is the point of having biotin in a shampoo?

The point of having a biotin in a shampoo is to encourage the hair to grow and is sometimes used by people with hair loss. It is a vitamin that helps strengthen the hair.

Can you put egg in to make it grow?

Raw egg is used as a conditioning treatment when applied to the hair. It will not make the hair grow any faster.

Who takes biotin?

Biotin is a strong form of vitamin b that encourages hair, skin, and nail growth. It is used often to grow hair out quickly. It is also a low level metabolism booster

Does raw eggs make your hair grow?

Well, beaten eggs provide your hair with natural oils which are used in growing new hair.

Is vitamin hair mousse harmful for the hair and can be used every day on dry hair?

Yes it will destroy your hair!!!!!!

Do micros help make your hair grow?

Ok my daughter is going to put micros in my hair Tuesday next week and I'm useing this treatment called grandmas secerts cause my hair is damaged really bad... my hair used to be in the center of my back.. now its at my shoulders.... can micros make my hair grow if I keep using the hair products I have. It have rosemary. Vitamin A,D,E olive oil. Coconut oil. Castor oil. Canola oil. Safflower. Sesame oil peanut oil jojoba oil and many more.... can u please help.

What can you use to grow your hair back?

i used dax hair grease on my hair and it take away some of my hair from the back what can i used to grow it back . the hairdresser use a product on my hair and some of my hair has broken off what can i use to grow back my hair all together

A provitamin used by the body to make vitamin A?

Vitamin E is your answer!!

What vitamins are used to enhance hair growth in women?

Biotin, Niacin, Zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B5, and Amino Acids.

When and how rotary massage techniques be used on the hair?

you use this technique when shampooing and conditioning.This is quick small circular movements that stimulate the hair and there for make it grow

Can warm vinegar applied to the skin after waxing help in not making the hair grow back as fast?

There is no evidence that vinegar will make the hair grow back more slowly if applied after shaving. However, vinegar can be used to make a homemade waxing agent.

What do hair dressings give the hair?

Try this cream called "Baby Don't Be Bald" but make sure you wash your hands right after because you could grow hair and also rub it on your scalp and it will grow quick and my hairs amazing because I used it