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WebMD suggests quite a few vitamins and herbs to take for high cholesterol. Some of them are garlic, policosanol, red yeast rice, holy basil, and yarrow. They also suggest Omega 3 Fatty acids.

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Q: What vitamins should someone with high cholesterol take?
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Should someone with high cholesterol eat bananas?

Bananas are a good food for someone with high cholesterol. The high levels of potassium are a great help for healthy heart action which can be affected by high cholesterol.

Where online can I find diets to combat high cholesterol?

The website should be the perfect website to answer your question. They list a variety of vitamins and explain why these vitamins combat high cholesterol. They also have a meal planner and a sample recipe to start you off.

Can someone with diabetes and high cholesterol eat smoked oysters?

Yes. But should they?

Where to find vitamins that reduces cholesterol?

High cholesterol is a concern for many people. WebMD has a some great input on alternate methods (such as using vitamins) to lower cholesterol, along with basic information about what causes a person to have high cholesterol. For further information, please go to:

What types of vitamins can lower my cholesterol?

There are no vitamins that will help lower cholesterol by themselves. Instead, select a diet high in whole grains and vegetables to achieve maximum dietary benefit with respect to reducing cholesterol.

What vitamins lower cholesterol?

I think the first thing you should do is lower your intake of fatty foods that are high in animal fats. Vitamin E has some evidence of lowering the chances of cardiovascular events in people with high cholesterol.

Is there certain vitamins for my type of blood?

You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. They are high in vitamins. Celery is really healthy with lots of benefits. Celery is proven to lower blood cholesterol.

What are Cactus vitamins?

Cactus vitamins are dietary supplements derived from edible cactus plants. This plant reduces cholesterol, high in fiber, and helps manage diabetes.

NOT a healthy food for someone with high cholesterol?

red meat

What is good food for high cholesterol?

You should consult your doctor for ways to lower your cholesterol. Cheerios helps lower cholesterol.

What are the high cholesterol foods I should avoid?

Egg yolks are perhaps the number one food high in cholesterol that should be avoided. The yolk of an egg contains more cholesterol than any other food. Egg whites are fine to eat. Butter is another food that should be eliminated from the diet because it is very unhealthy. Margarine is a good substitution for butter. Whenever possible, saturated oils should be avoided. Cheese is a high in cholesterol food that should not be included in the diet. Low-fat cheeses are the better choice. Fatty meats and shellfish such as steak, hamburger, ribs, roasts, clams, shrimp and oysters are high in cholesterol and should also be avoided.

Why is it bad for you to not eat red meat margarine and fried foods if you have hyperlipidemia?

Red meat and fried foods are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and are not good for someone who has a high cholesterol problem. The medical term for high cholesterol is Hyperlipidemia.