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Cinder Cone!

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Q: What volcano is made from particles and globs of lava thrown from a single opening in the crust?
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What are things that are ejected from a volcano.?

The matter thrown out of a volcano while it is erupting is called lava, and it consists of melted rock matter. Before erupting, the lava moves underground towards the opening of the volcano. When it is underground like this, it is called magma.

What is the form of magma when it thrown out from the volcano?


What do we call the liquid rock thrown out by a volcano?


How do rocks or stone formed?

Volcano's. Every erruption billions of stones and rocks are thrown for the volcano!

Latin for little stones these are shattered stones thrown out by a volcano?

The stones thrown from a volcanic eruption are called tuff. These rocks are also called volcanic fragments and they can be thrown hundreds of miles away from the volcano.


Fine material thrown out of a volcano during an eruption.

What is a blob of liquid magma called when thrown out by a volcano?


What are the pieces of moten rock called that are thrown out of a volcano?

The Rock That Comes Out Of A Volcano Is A Igneous Rock.

How long after opening yogurt should it be thrown away?

1 day

What is volcanic material thrown out during erputions?

volcanic ash, volcano bombs, and lava

What kind of rocks grapefruit sized thrown from a nearby volcano what are they called?

volcanic bombs

What are volcano bombs?

They are called lava bombs they are chunks of semi molten rock thrown up from the volcano and then falling from a great height. When they hit the ground they have the shape of a bomb.