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i use around 7.5 to 8 (short stroke) on outline, and 5.75 to 6.5 with a( long stroke )for shading. voltage dont matter if your not properly setting your machines. everyone prefers different setups but good luck.

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Q: What voltage to use on 8 wrap tattoo machine?
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What is the best voltage to use for a tattoo machine for shader and for lines?

This is unique to every machine, artists technique, design, and client. Do an apprenticeship

Shader voltage tattoo machine?

Many tattoo power supply output 0-15 voltages, as a general rule, shaders use less voltage than liners. There is no standard voltage for all tattoo machines, each artist has different desire for comfortable tattooing. The best way to find how much to be set is practice after knowing some basic rules. And becareful to start the machine at 3V, and adjust it under 6-9 V while working.

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The first step to the tattoo aftercare is after the soap is applied is to bandage the tattoo. Though instead of a gauze that can stick use plastic wrap. Use antibacterial ointments on the area.

What voltage do you use for liner and shader on your mk57 tattoo machine?

Without knowing the specs of your power supply, I can't rightly say, but the tried and true tension test should give you an idea.

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Instead of fading it, go get it redone.

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What number does The machine that the tattoo machine go to have to be at to start tattooing?

The power supply setting depends on the machine (tuning and such). If you run it wrong, you will tear up the skin and/or scar them. Dont tattoo anyone until you learn how to use your machine properly. Dont wing it...its not as easy as it looks..and the marks are forever.

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If you have a new tattoo it isn't recommended to have your tattoo in water for an extended amount of time. If you are going in the water you could use medical tape, saran wrap, and whatever ointment your tattooist recommends for the healing process. I, personally, would put ointment on the tattoo, cover it with the saran wrap and then use the medical tape to hold it on. Doesn't sound very attractive, but it will allow you to spend time in the water and not affect the tattoo.

What kind of tattoo machine do you use when lining a tattoo?

Premium Irons cut back, never had any better then that liner in more then 12 years tattooing

Can you use the same tattoo gun for lining and colouring?

Yea, you can. You just have to adjust the speed of the machine to compensate.

What voltage is recommended for a tattoo liner and shader?

Most tattoo power supplys operate from 12.5 to 14 volts, there is no perfect voltage for all tattoo mechines, each artist uses what makes them comfortable, as a general rule shaders use less than a liner. All power supplys are adjustable , and with such a large selection of different brands of mechines,and coils, no single voltage will work for all artist.

Can you use home generator to power arc welding machine?

As long as it is rated for wattage output for required voltage for welding machine