

What war began when the holocaust started?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It was called the 'Great Patriotic War'.

The Soviet Union was filled with its own feeling of self importance that it wanted to say that World War II only really became a World War when they entered the War.

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Q: What war began when the holocaust started?
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What war began when the Holocaust began?

No war 'began when the Holocaust began'. The Holocaust took place during World War 2 but was not one of the causes of the war.

How long did the holocaust go for until the war began?

the Holocaust started almost two years after the war started. (unless you are one of those people who call it the 'thirty years war' ie. 1914-1945)

How is World War 2 and the holocaust related?

The Holocaust would not have happened were it not for the war. The war not only promoted the conditions to produce the Holocaust, but it also provided a shroud to cover the actions produced in the Holocaust.

Was the Holocaust a significant event in the cold war?

No... The Holocaust ended before the era called the Cold War began.

When did the holocaust start and ended?

The Holocaust started from January 30, 1933 when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany to May 8, 1945 when the war in Europe (World War 2) ended.____No, those are the dates of the Nazi period in Germany. The Holocaust refers to a specific program of extermination which began in June 1941 and lasted till the end of the war.

Was there something specific that started the world war 2 or an issue in the holocaust?

It was not an issue in the Holocaust.

Did world war 2 start before or after the holocaust?

WW2 started before the Holocaust.

Why was there a war before the Holocaust?

The Holocaust only began in the 1940s; wars were fought thousands of years before that.

What official event started the Holocaust?

There was no 'official event' and the Holocaust began in different places at different times in 1941. There was no official announcement of the kind implied in the question. What's more, there is even disagreement as to when the Holocaust began.

Was the Holocaust a result of World War 2?

No. The Holocaust took place during World War 2, under the cloak of the war, as it were.

What year did the holocaust began and what year did it end?

it arguably started in 1941 and ended in 1945.

Which country started the Holocaust?

The country that began the holocaust was Germany