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There is only one actual herb. Tansy, in which all the leaves, petals, and stems chewed and eaten will get rid of worms. Nothing stops worms from getting in but the tansy will get rid of them. I hope I helped.

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Q: What warrior cat herb stops worms?
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If your cat has worms how many worms do they have?

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In the "Warriors" book series, Yellowcough is typically treated with catmint, which is a herb with healing properties. Catmint helps to relieve the symptoms of Yellowcough, such as sneezing and coughing, and can aid in a cat's recovery from the illness.

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A cat with worms can infect a cat that doesn't have worms, so it's best to give both cats (after discussing it with your vet) the worm capsules.

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Yes the cat may give the human worms

Cat with worms?

If you suspect your cat has worms, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian promptly. Common signs of worms in cats include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and a bloated abdomen. Your vet can perform tests to diagnose the type of worms and recommend appropriate treatment, which may include deworming medication. Additionally, practicing good hygiene, such as regularly cleaning your cat's litter box and keeping them indoors, can help prevent worm infestations.

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No, my warrior cat does not have a visual impairment.

When does a cat stop having litters?

the cat stops having litters when the cat stops getting pregnant by a male cat

How can you tell when your cat no longer has worms?

If a cat's belly is hard and round, it probably has some type of worms.

What is the warrior cat movie going to be called?

There are no plans yet for a Warrior cat movie released by Erin Hunter