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It was in North America and new found land but after that... i do not know now! but I know in his 3 voyage he died in th sea!

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Q: What was 3 John Cabot's voyages?
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Was john cabots voyages successful?

Do not think it was successful. But i could be wrong.

Who paid for john cabots jouren?

The king and queen of England paid for his voyages.

John cabots Detailed accounts of voyages?

Here's one:

How long were cabots voyages?

Aliya is awesome

How long was John cabots trip?

John Cabot was a well known explorer who was sponsored by the King of England. He had three voyages the first two lasted about two years and the last one less than a year.

John Cabots accomplishment?

John Cabots's Accomplishment was That he was the first to see the Vikings.

How do you describe john cabots crew?

what was john cabots transportation and crew

What was John cabots impact of John cabots exploration?

He Found the Newfound Land I dont think that that /\ answer is correct | |

How many voyages did john caboto take?

3 voyages around the world

Who was in John Cabots family?

he had at least 3 sons named Ludovico, Sebastian, and Sancio