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abe didnt have a problem with it though he didnt approve. he thought it was morally wrong, though he never thought to do anything about it.

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Q: What was Abraham's view towards slavery before he became president?
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What was slavery like before obama became president?

The same as it is now that he became president .

Why did the US want to stop slavery?

Because President Abraham Lincoln outlawed it when he became president!

Did slavery still exist when Grover Cleveland was president?

No, not legally in the United States. Slavery was abolished for more than 20 years when Cleveland first became President.

Did abraham own slaves?

Abraham Lincoln did not own any slaves. Aversed towards the practice of slavery from an early age, Lincoln was responsible for its abolishment when he became president.

What was some of Abraham lincolns beliefs?

1 of his beliefs were that when he became president he would end slavery.

Did Abraham stop slavery?

President Lincoln was certainly against slavery and worked very hard towards ending it. He wrote and delivered the emancipation proclamation, which freed slaves that were already captured from the south and left northern slaves intact. He was shot in April 14,1865. At the time of his death the war was over and slavery was still legal. It became outlawed in December of that same year.

When did slavery end in the USA?

I think it ended in the late 1800's when Lincoln became President. Hope this helped you. -ECR

What was Zachary Taylor's view on slavery?

yes. in 1847, two years before election, he owned more than 100 slaves.

What were Lincoln's views and beliefs on emancipation?

At first, when he became President, he did not want to abolish slavery like the southern states thought, he just wanted slavery from spreading westward. Then later, he changed his mind and decided he was going to abolish slavery.

What made the Southerners fear that the North would abolish slavery?

The Southerners knew that the North or the Union wanted to abolish slavery. With the growing friction between the South and the North, they threatened to secede if a Republican became president, which happened when Aberham Lincoln became president. The Southerners feared that their rich southern way of life would end.

How did the rulers of Egypt deal with Abrahams descendants when they became too numerous?

The pharaoh had all the male children killed.

Which political party was against the spread of slavery into new territories?

The Republican Party. (Lincoln became its first president, winning the election of 1860.)