

What was Apollo the sun gods job?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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to keep the sun happy and not go out

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Who was the sun gods?


Who was the greek god of the sun before Apollo?

Actually Apollo was the Greek god of the sun. But before that Helios the titan God was the god of the sun. after the war between the titans and the gods, the gods won and therefore Apollo became the Sun God

Was Apollo the only sun god?

No. The Greeks had two sun gods, Apollo, who drew his power from the sun, and Helios, who drove the sun chariot. The Romans downsized to Apollo only.

Are Apollo and Helios both sun gods?

No; only Helios is the Sun god; Apollo is often mistakenly identified with him.

How are Zeus and Apollo different?

Zeus is the Lord of the Sky and the King of the Gods, Apollo is the God of the Sun.

Horse drawn sun gods transport?

The chariot of Apollo

What did Apollo feel he needed to protect hes from the Greek gods?

the sun

Does Apollo live on the sun?

No, he lived in Olympus, like all of the other Gods, he was just the god of the sun.

Can you name what each of these gods and goddesses represents Athena and Apollo?

Athena is wisdom and battle Apollo is oracle music and the sun

What gods or goddess relate to Apollo?

Apollo is associated with the Greek god of the sun, music, poetry, prophecy, healing, and archery.

What is Apollo's job?

Apollo was the God of Music and the God of the Sun. He invented the Lute (pear-shaped with strings), but is most famous for playing the Lyre, which was invented by Hermes, messenger of the Gods. Apollo rode across the sky in his chariot made of gold, drawn by white horses.

How was Olympus God Apollo Born?

Helios, the first sun god, created Apollo out of fire and gave Apollo his job.