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Q: What was Aristotle famous for outside the world of math?
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What did Aristotle study in math?

geo centric

What contributions did famous mathematicians contribute to the world of math?

Thales, Eucleides, Aristarchus, Zeno of Elea, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Aristarchus of Syracuse, Chilon of Lakedemon, Solon, Protagoras are an indicative list of philosophers - founders of the mathematics science.

How did aristotl's adult life include math?

how did aristotle's adult lif include math.

How did Einstein use math?

Albert Einstein used math for his world famous equation of E = mc2

How does Aristotle relate to math?

Not at all. Maybe you mean Archimedes?

How is Aristotle remembered?

He made many rules of math and logic. He was a scientist too.

Who was the first mathematician in the world?

I think it could be Aristotle. He started empiricism and started classifying and identifying things into sets. Sets are one of the most fundamental concepts in Logic. Math is definitely very rooted to Logic. But you can also put it down as Aristotle being the very first Scientist, so

How has Aristotle influenced life today?

Though it was being practice before he, Aristotle formalized the discipline, mainly in for philosophy. However, the fundamentals eventually influenced logic in Math, science and rhetoric (language).

What is Kelly Miller famous for in mathematics?

he is famous for teaching math

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Who is the worlds famous mathematician?

Well actually there are many famous mathematicians in the world. But one is Archimedes. To find out why and how he contributed to math please check a search engine like GOOGLE. :)