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I believe that the british was known as "Great Britain" at this time because they possessed the world's most powerful military and for many other reasons as well.

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6mo ago

During the American Revolution, the British were often referred to as the "Redcoats" due to the distinctive red uniforms worn by British soldiers. They were also referred to simply as the "British" or "Lobsterbacks" in a derogatory manner by the American colonists.

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Q: What was British called during American revolution?
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What were the British called during the Revolution?

Americans called the British "Red Coats" or "Regulars" during the American Revolution.

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During the American Revolution, a British colonist in America that was still loyal to King George the III was called a loyalist.

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King George III is the British leader during The American Revolution.

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they could have been called loyalists im not sure

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Benedict Arnold.