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Q: What was Burma's contribution to World War 2?
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What contribution to history did World War I make?

Easy, think about it - without World War 1, World War 2 would never have happened...! Therefore, WW1's contribution to history was WW2...!

Sikhs contribution to the world?

World War 1, World War 2, Indian Independence, Green Revolution, Bhangra,

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Canada's contribution to World War 2 was more logistical than their contribution to World War 1. They supplied food, ammunition and other necessities to the soldiers. In World war 1, they contributed by fighting along the Western Front with the help of the French and British troops. They fought against the Germans along the Western Front.

What was the contribution of Andy Rooney in World War 2?

Flying with crews of B17s and living to tell it.

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They learnt a number of things, such as women contribution to war, technology, war tanks, aeroplanes, weapons, potlitics, ways to make money...

Which was a major contribution of Georgia during world war 2?

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Was Winston Churchill's contribution to World War 2 positive or negative?

positive he gave all the citizen confedince throughout the war and was a great leader

What was Canada's contribution in the air during World War 2?

I do not know but I do know that they contributede a large air force for WW2.

What contribution did the Flying Tigers make in World War 2?

Answer this question… They served as part of China's volunteer air force.

What did winston churchill do to win the World War 2?

His most important personal contribution was as a symbol of the UK's bulldog determination and resistance to the Nazi's.

How did Great Britain make a difference in World War 2?

How about: we won it for the rest of the world?

What place did wood row Wilson take place in world war 2?

President Woodrow Wilson died in 1924. World War 2 was 1939-1945. The only contribution he had on World War 2 were his 14 points he wrote during the time France and the European nations were forming the Treaty of Versailles during World War 1. Unfortunately, the people did not listen to Wilson. Had they shown mercy to Germany World War 2 probably would never have existed. SEE related link below.