

What was Cole anger?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What was Cole anger?
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Explain what a dance of anger might be like for cole?

What activities do Cole and Edwin do to help Cole release his anger?

he was tired

How did the ancestor rock help cole deal with his anger?

The ancestor rock helped Cole deal with his anger by serving as a physical representation of his emotions. By talking to the rock and smashing it as a way to release his anger, Cole was able to confront and process his feelings in a constructive manner. The ritual of interacting with the rock allowed Cole to connect with his emotions and begin to heal.

Who did Cole forgive during his dance of anger?

he forgave himself.

What is the resolution to Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen?

All I know is that Cole and Peter go into the lake an relax to get all there anger out but Peters anger stays with him and he beats up Cole and then they both start crying and then Peter and Cole kinda make up.

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Who has cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger in touching spirit bear?


Is there a simile in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole's anger was about to explode like gunpowder.

When did peter show anger in touching spirit bear?

Peter showed anger in "Touching Spirit Bear" when he physically attacked Cole during their time together on the island, expressing his frustration and rage towards Cole. This moment revealed Peter's inner turmoil and unresolved issues that he was struggling with.

How did Cole learn to deal with his anger in touching spirit bear?

Cole learns to deal with his anger through the mentorship of Edwin and the healing process on the island. By facing his inner turmoil and reflecting on his negative actions, Cole begins to understand the root of his anger. Through experiences like the bear attack and the Spirit Bear encounter, he learns to let go of his anger and find inner peace.

What does the boulder represent in Touching Spirit Bear?

The rock represents Cole's ancestors and their struggle. It also symbolizes Cole anger when he pushes it down the hill.

What are personality traits of Cole Matthews in Touching Spirit Bear?

At the beginning of the story, Cole is portrayed as angry, aggressive, and lacking empathy for others. Through his transformative experience on the island, he learns to be more introspective, compassionate, and mindful of his actions. Overall, his character development showcases growth in emotional intelligence and a deeper understanding of himself and those around him.