

What was Columbus searching for in the Caribbean area?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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nothing. he was attempting to get to Asia by traveling west instead of east

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Q: What was Columbus searching for in the Caribbean area?
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What area did Christopher Columbus explor?

Christopher Columbus explored the Caribbean Islands, including Hispaniola and Cuba and San Salvador.

What area did Columbus explore?

Christopher Columbus explored the Caribbean Islands, including Hispaniola and Cuba and San Salvador.

Did columbus explore the Caribbean islands?

Yes, Columbus made 4 voyages to the Caribbean.

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The islands Columbus visited in the Caribbean are called the west indies.

Why were Columbus and his crew searching for America?

Columbus and his crew were not searching for America - the were searching for an alternate route to the Indies when they found the Americas quite by accident.

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christopher columbus named the caribbean sea bcuz of the canibals that lived there.

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Christopher Columbus was searching for a Northwest Passage, or a direct water route to the Indies from Spain.

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Chritopher Columbus

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What was christopher columbus searching for when he landed on americas?

Christopher Columbus was searching for a new sea route to India when he landed in the Americas.

Why did Christopher Columbus come to Caribbean?

Christopher Columbus came to the Caribbean because he was looking for India and encountered the unknown Americas instead.

Who explore the Caribbean?

The Caribbean was first explored by the Native Americans. Christopher Columbus was among the first Europeans to explore the Caribbean.