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Q: What was Eva braun role in World War 2?
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What role did Eva Braun play as Hitler's wife?

Eva Braun and Aldof Hitler were married in the final days of the war in Hitlers bunker then they boath comitted suicide

What was Eva braun role in the war?

She was Adolf Hitler's mistress. She killed herself along side of Hitler when he did when it was evident that the Germans were going to lose the war.

How many Jews killed by Hitler in 2nd world war?

4: Eva Braun, himself and his two dogs

When did Hitler get married before or after World War 2?

Hitler never married his girlfriend, Eva Braun. Neither of them lived after World War II, as they committed suicide in Berlin before the Allies got to him.

Who was Eva Braun?

Eva Braun became the girlfriend of Adolf Hitler right after leaving Convent school. That being said, they got married at the end of the war and commited suicide together. Use the links below for more information.

Was Hitler engaged to a Jewish women?

No. The only woman Hitler was ever known to be involved with was Eva Braun.

What happened to Adolf Hitler after World War 2?

Nothing. He killed himself 9 days before the war in Europe ended.

What happened to Adolf Hitler after the war with Britain and Germany?

When he knoew the country was defeated he killed himself along with his girlfriend Eva Braun.

In what year did Adolf Hitler marry Eva braun?

Eva Braun married Adolf Hitler in the year of 1945, on April 29. This marriage was held as a small ceremony, and it was only 40 hours before the two committed suicide.

What did hilter do after World War 2?

He did not live to see the end of the war. he was a coward and committed suicide. after he killed him self Germany surrendred. As the Allied armies were closing in on Hitler during the latter stages of WWII he and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide. Most historians have concluded that Hitler used a combination method, shooting himself in the right temple immediately after biting a cyanide capsule, while Eva Braun just injested Cyanide.

Who designed V-2 rocket for Hitler during World War 2?

Wernher von Braun .

Was Hitler tortured by his allies?

No, not at all. By the time World War II was near being over, Hitler, who was a total wreck by that time, entered his concrete bunker with his girlfriend, Eva Braun. He and she were married, then both commited suicide.