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Q: What was Germany's plan for fighting a two front war during World War 2?
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What were the different fronts soldiers from the US were fighting on during World War 2?

American soldiers were fighting on the European front against Germany (this front often includes those fighting in Africa) and the Pacific front against Japan.

Where was most of the fighting done during World War 1?

On the Western front, in France; on the Eastern front, in present Belorussia.

What was the style of fighting on the eastern front during World War 1 as oposed to the western front?

The Eastern Front had trenches like the Western Front, but it was so large that the fighting was more mobilised, especially in Ukraine. German Uhlans and Ukranian/Russian cavalry were able to move around and fight each other.

Who did russia fight during world war 2?

Soviet (Russian) troops were primarily engaged fighting the Germans along the eastern front and into Berlin.

Did Adolf Hitler ever serve in military services?

Yes, in the Imperial German Army during the First World War fighting on the western front in France.

Why does the Western Front not run through Switzerland?

The Western Front was the name of the front line between the two waring sides in the First World War. Switzerland was neutral during the First World War, neither of the two waring sides were allowed to send troops into Switzerland. So there was no fighting and no front line in Switzerland.

Was there any fighting on German soil during World War 1?

Most of the fighting in the western front was fought in the northern france and Belgium because of the german's schlieffen plan which involved the invasion of belgium there was no fighting on german soil but on the eastern front there was the battle of Tannenberg which was in east Prussia (now known as the eastern part Poland) but if you are talking about the western from then no.

What was the term used to refer to the areas where fighting was taking place during World War 1?

The space between Russia and Germany was known as the Eastern Front and the Space between France and Germany was known as the Western Front. :)

Where was the fighting focused on when the US entered World War 1?

Western front

Which was a major part of American involvement in world war 2?

fighting on the western front

What does western front mean?

During a war, a "front" is a place where armies are fighting battles. In World War I, most of the major battles were in Europe. So in World War I, "Western Front" refers to the front in the western portion of Europe- it was mainly in northern France, where Germany had invaded. The "Eastern Front" was in Eastern Europe, primarily around the borders between Russia and Germany/Austria-Hungary.

Contributions from France to the world?

France was stuck fighting in the trenches on the Western Front for most of WWI.