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Q: What was Hermes' relationship with the other gods?
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What is Hermes relationship with god?

Hermes was a Greek god: the messenger odf gods, the patron of thievees and travellers, made many jokes on the other gods of the Olympus -the mountain in the north of Greece on which the gods were said to live. Hermes was the son of Zeus, the chief god, and Hera, his wife. His grandfather was Khronos, and grandmother was Rhea.

Where did Hermes live?

Hermes lived on Mount Olympus with the other gods.

How does Hermes fraud other gods?

Cause he hates them

How did Hermes become the messenger of the gods?

He was the fastest of the gods and used his speed to carry messages for the other gods

How was Hermes like the other gods?

He was immortal, and like many gods a son of Zeus.

What was the greek god Hermes relationship with the other gods?

He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Zeus had a lot of children; with himself, with Hera and with a lot of different mortal women. Any child of Zeus' or Maia's is a sibling of Hermes.

How did Hermes became the messanger of the gods?

Since Hermes had wings on his feet, he was fast. So he became a messenger for many of the other gods but Iris was often the messenger of Hera.

Who was Hermes the god?

Hermes was the messenger of the gods.

Where did Hermes reside?

He lived on Mt. Olympus with the other Greek gods.

What are the gods Hermes lived with?

The gods are zeus maia because thos where hermes parents and more of hermes bfamily tree

The greek messager of the gods?

The messenger of the gods was Hermes, also the god of thieves and travelers.

Why is the Hermes company named after Hermes?

Hermes is the mesenger of all the gods